Public Administration (PADM)

PADM 5300  U.S. Government Institutions  
3 Semester Credit Hours (3 Lecture Hours)  

A survey of the major institutions of the U.S. national government, with special attention to the presidency, Congress, and the U.S. Supreme Court. Some comparative discussion of federalism, parliamentary systems of government, and proportional representation. Brief review of the U.S. Constitution, the federal court structure, and the role of Federal Reserve System. (Credit may not be given for both this course and POLS 5300.)

PADM 5301  Theory and Practice of Public Administration  
3 Semester Credit Hours (3 Lecture Hours)  

An introduction to the concepts, theories, literature, legal aspects, and practices of public administration and management. Topics include administrative behavior; program planning, management and evaluation; decision‑making; structure and processes of organizations; and ethics.

PADM 5302  Policy Making and Public Administration  
3 Semester Credit Hours (3 Lecture Hours)  

Relationship of politics and administration with reference to the influence of administration and bureaucracy, legislative bodies, parties, political leadership, interest groups and other forces in the formation and execution of public policy in various levels of, primarily, American government.

PADM 5303  Administrative Ethics  
3 Semester Credit Hours (3 Lecture Hours)  

A survey of ethical issues faced by public administrators. The course will provide a general grounding in the philosophical and theoretical foundations of ethical inquiry. Special attention will be given to ethical problems arising within hierarchical organizations and to the ethical implications of particular public policies.

PADM 5304  Human Resource Management  
3 Semester Credit Hours (3 Lecture Hours)  

Analysis of the major personnel management problems and issues in the public sector. The functions of recruitment, selection, development, compensation, and employee relations will be studied. Special attention will be given to the legal environment of personnel.

Prerequisite: PADM 5301.

PADM 5305  Public Budgeting and Finance  
3 Semester Credit Hours (3 Lecture Hours)  

An analysis of the formation, management, and administration of fiscal policies at all levels of government in the United States. Basic financial management planning, preparation, presentation, and resource allocation analysis.

PADM 5306  Public Sector Fiscal Management and Analysis  
3 Semester Credit Hours (3 Lecture Hours)  

This course takes an in-depth look at finance and focuses on budget and reform techniques, revenue sources, structure and control, the administration of debt and cash management; including strategies for reducing borrowing costs and increasing the interest earnings of government.

Prerequisite: PADM 5305.

PADM 5308  Administrative Law  
3 Semester Credit Hours (3 Lecture Hours)  

Analysis of the nature of law, especially the law of administrative procedure. The course examines the separation and delegation of powers, the meaning and functioning of the Administrative Procedures Act, the scope of judicial review, and other remedies against administrative actions. (Credit may not be given for both this course and POLS 5308.)

PADM 5310  Public Organizations  
3 Semester Credit Hours (3 Lecture Hours)  

A course designed to develop an understanding about public sector organizations, their environments, and the political subsystems in which they exist. The course explores organization theory and administrative behavior to understand and diagnose organizational problems and dynamics in the public sector. Emphasis is placed on organization-environment relationships.

PADM 5311  Research Methods in Public Administration  
3 Semester Credit Hours (3 Lecture Hours)  

Examination of analytical methods, research techniques, and models of inquiry in the social and administrative sciences. Topics may include problem definition; needs assessment; data gathering, processing and interpretation; survey research; secondary analysis; and demographics. Assumes computer literacy and completion of an introductory statistics course, or equivalent, prior to student’s entry in to the class.

PADM 5312  Statistics for Public Administrators  
3 Semester Credit Hours (3 Lecture Hours)  

Examination of the statistical techniques used by public administrators to include descriptive and inferential statistics. Use of SPSS for analysis of empirical and secondary data sources. Interpretation, analysis and presentation is emphasized. Integration of research design and statistical techniques.

Prerequisite: PADM 5311.

PADM 5313  Survey Research for Public and Non-Profit Managers  
3 Semester Credit Hours (3 Lecture Hours)  

The ability to conduct and interpret survey research is becoming an integral part of public management. This course provides students with the knowledge and skills needed to direct, understand, and make effective use of administrative and policy information from survey research data.

PADM 5320  Diversity in Public Administration  
3 Semester Credit Hours (3 Lecture Hours)  

This course examines the importance of diversity, including race/ethnicity, gender and other demographics in public administration at the local, state and federal level and in various types of public agencies.

PADM 5331  Public and Non-Profit Management  
3 Semester Credit Hours (3 Lecture Hours)  

An examination of theories, processes, and skills in managing the public and non-profit sectors. Topics of study include how to successfully implement policies, administer services and provide public goods, and collaborate with agencies in various sections.

PADM 5332  Resource Development for Non-profit Organizations  
3 Semester Credit Hours (3 Lecture Hours)  

Examination of the theoretical and practical applications of fundraising. A study of government or non-profit agency grant and contract administration. Applications for responding to funding assistance and solicitations and grants. Contract preparation, evaluation, and presentation.

PADM 5335  Program Evaluation  
3 Semester Credit Hours (3 Lecture Hours)  

This course is designed to help the pre- and in-service professional public manager conceptualize the program evaluation effort as a meaningful and understandable set of tasks. The course will examine various means of evaluating programs and enable students to develop program evaluation skills, so that they become better contributors and consumers of evaluation and research reports.

PADM 5360  Strategic Planning  
3 Semester Credit Hours  

A seminar course that gives pre- or in-service managers the tools necessary to consider the long-term mission and direction of the agency and craft strategy and operations from both internal and external stakeholders to achieve those goals. Consideration of strategic planning as a process for implementing strategic management.

PADM 5363  Leadership in the Public Sect  
3 Semester Credit Hours (3 Lecture Hours)  

This course deals with various perspectives on leadership in the public sector and evaluates different leadership styles in different contexts. Students are expected to analyze administrative, organizational, and political circumstances which affect the performance of leaders. Through various case studies, students discuss issues, challenges, and opportunities leaders face.

PADM 5365  Seminar in Public Administration - Capstone  
3 Semester Credit Hours (3 Lecture Hours)  

The capstone course for the MPA program is an integrative approach applying the skills, knowledge and values considered, discussed and acquired throughout the core courses to selected public and administrative problems through analytical exercises and case studies. All other core courses must be completed prior to enrollment in the capstone. This is the exit requirement for the MPA program. This course must be taken during the last semester prior to graduation.

PADM 5370  Topics in Public Administration  
3 Semester Credit Hours (3 Lecture Hours)  

Seminar in identified topics in Public Administration. May be repeated when topics vary. Offered on sufficient demand.

PADM 5377  Grant Writing  
3 Semester Credit Hours (3 Lecture Hours)  

An advanced workshop on the grant proposal writing process, including identifying sources of funding, conducting research to support funding applications, data analysis, tailoring each proposal to a specific funding agency, and the requirements of electronic submission. Students will receive experience writing actual proposals on behalf of local organizations and agencies.

PADM 5380  Homeland Security and Public Administration  
3 Semester Credit Hours (3 Lecture Hours)  

This course will provide an overview of the essential ideas that constitute the emerging discipline of homeland security. The course is designed for students interested in a broad overview of homeland security policies including topics related to emergency management, intelligence gathering and analysis, infrastructure security, protection of civil liberties, and counter terrorism strategies.

PADM 5381  Modern Terrorism and Counter Terrorism  
3 Semester Credit Hours (3 Lecture Hours)  

This course will provide an introduction to the operational and organizational dynamics of modern terrorism from the Cold War to the present, This course will study terrorist organizations to understand the ideologies, cultures, structures and causative factors behind major movements. This course will also focus on U.S. Efforts to counter terrorism from the Cold War to the Global War on Terrorism.

PADM 5382  Emergency Management and Disaster Planning Practicum  
3 Semester Credit Hours (3 Lecture Hours)  

This course will examine the public policies, procedures and programs for the management of hazards, emergencies and disasters through the use of case studies. It focuses on providing students hands-on experience in emergency management planning and response through the use of tabletop and field exercises. Students will be required to take this course last in the graduate certificate program.

PADM 5396  Individual Study  
3 Semester Credit Hours  

A carefully planned special study on an academic topic, Directed Individual Study (DIS) is a tutorial, directed and evaluated by a member of the graduate public administration faculty. Enrollment is restricted to graduate students who have demonstrated both academic ability and the capacity for independent work. Complete applications must be filed and approved by the MPA coordinator and the Dean of Liberal Arts in advance of registration.

PADM 5399  Internship/Practicum  
3 Semester Credit Hours  

Practical experience with a government or not-for-profit agency arranged in advance by the supervising professor. Periodic visits, consultations, and a final paper.