Nursing (NURS)

NURS 5163  Project Management for Nurse Leaders (1)  
1 Semester Credit Hour (1 Lecture Hour)  

An overview of project management techniques and tools as they apply to health care operations, projects and programs. The basics of a sound action plan will be introduced and will include identifying tasks, relevant relationships, and resources. This course will be taken in conjunction with NURS 5469 Patterns of Care Delivery Course.

Prerequisite: NURS 5310, 5314, 5315, 5316, 5261, 5362, 5364, 5360, 5331, 5365, HCAD 5320 and 5330.

Co-requisite: NURS 5469.  
NURS 5261  Human Capital Management (2)  
2 Semester Credit Hours (2 Lecture Hours)  

Students will explore internal and external issues influencing organizational decisions and policies affecting human capital. Critical human capital functions will be addressed to provide a solid understanding of the many issues confronting the nurse leader.

NURS 5310  Science in Nursing  
3 Semester Credit Hours (3 Lecture Hours)  

Exploration of the historical development and rationale of nursing theory. Examination of selected theories and conceptual frameworks, and their relationship to nursing practice and research. Emphasis is on the utilization of theories and models in nursing as a basis for a practice that provides a caring, comprehensive, and holistic approach to health care within a transcultural society. This course is delivered through online technology.

NURS 5314  Research Methods in Advanced Nursing Practice  
3 Semester Credit Hours (3 Lecture Hours)  

Critical examination of research methods in order to advance and integrate evidence into nursing practice and improve patient population outcomes. Particular attention is given to research appraisal and application, and the ethical aspects of research translation. This course is delivered through online technology.

NURS 5315  Health Policy and Cultural Diversity  
3 Semester Credit Hours (3 Lecture Hours)  

Health policy and cultural diversity are studied to provide foundations for meeting the needs of communities and societies. Current and proposed policies that influence contemporary health delivery are analyzed. This course is delivered through online technology.

NURS 5316  Introduction to Advanced Practice Role Development  
3 Semester Credit Hours (3 Lecture Hours)  

The course focuses on the development of knowledge and skills necessary for advanced practice. This includes, but is not limited to, negotiation, collaboration, crisis intervention, peer review, leadership, ethics, accountability and basic finances in advanced practice. Parameters of practice within various health care systems are integrated. This course is delivered through online technology.

NURS 5322  Advanced Pharmacological Concepts  
3 Semester Credit Hours (3 Lecture Hours)  

Study of pharmacotherapeutics across the life span with emphasis on clinical decision-making. Laws governing Advanced Practice Registered Nurses' prescriptive privileges are included when appropriate. Discussion is based on current literature, research findings and case studies. This course is delivered through online technology.

Prerequisite: NURS 5326 or 5326.

NURS 5323  Finance for the Nurse Practitioner  
3 Semester Credit Hours (3 Lecture Hours)  

Study of fiscal aspects of private practice, when to seek the services of a lawyer, analysis of and monitoring the cost-effectiveness of clinical decisions, the design of payment systems, fiscal management, and developing collaborative and interdependent relationships. This course is delivered through online technology.

Prerequisite: NURS 5310 and 5314.

NURS 5324  Health Assessment for Advanced Practice  
3 Semester Credit Hours (3 Lecture Hours)  

Study and practice of complex skills for comprehensive health assessment and focus on the differentiation and interpretation of normal and abnormal findings. Selected laboratory techniques are included. Oral and written communication of findings in a collaborative relationship with other health care providers is emphasized. Variables related to rural and multicultural populations are incorporated into the total assessment. Opportunities are provided to develop skills necessary for the identification of health problems, while considering variables associated with multicultural populations across the lifespan. The lecture component of this course is delivered through online technology. Laboratory hours must be completed in appropriate settings approved by clinical faculty.

Prerequisite: NURS 5310 and 5314.

NURS 5326  Advanced Physiology with Pathophysiological Applications  
3 Semester Credit Hours (3 Lecture Hours)  

Study of normal physiologic and pathologic mechanisms of disease across the lifespan that serve as the foundation for clinical assessment, decision making and client health management in advanced practice nursing. This course is developed through online technology.

Prerequisite: NURS 5310 and 5314.

NURS 5331  Nursing informatics  
3 Semester Credit Hours (3 Lecture Hours)  

An introduction to nursing informatics. Focuses on the concepts and terminology related to nursing informatics in the broader perspective of health informatics including their use in nursing administration, nursing education, nursing practice, and nursing research. This course is designed for graduate students.

NURS 5341  Wellness and Health Promotion  
3 Semester Credit Hours (3 Lecture Hours)  

A study of the complex integration of knowledge, research, and theory essential to developing clinical competence in the teaching-coaching function of the Advanced Practice Nurses. Selected models of health promotion, risk factors and early disease detection are explored. The course emphasizes the importance of situational, cultural, developmental, and individual perspectives in implementing disease prevention/health promotion activities. This course is delivered through online technology.

Prerequisite: NURS 5310 and 5314.

NURS 5351  Advanced Pharmacological Concepts for Nursing Educators  
3 Semester Credit Hours (3 Lecture Hours)  

Study of advanced pharmacotherapeutics across the life span for the nurse educator. Discussions are based upon current literature, research findings, and case studies. This course is delivered through online technology.

NURS 5352  Nursing Curriculum Planning, Development, and Evaluation  
3 Semester Credit Hours (3 Lecture Hours)  

This course explores theories and models that are applicable to nursing curriculum development. Guidelines for curriculum development, implementation and evaluation are examined. The significance of program outcomes are assessed for application to manage and refine nursing curriculum.This course is delivered through online technology.

Prerequisite: NURS 5310 and 5314.

NURS 5353  Theory and Concepts for the Nurse Educator  
3 Semester Credit Hours (3 Lecture Hours)  

Focuses on the scientific and theoretical foundations of nursing education; stimulates reflections on the character and aims of the nurse educator; examines the distinctive characteristics and roles of the educator in the diffusion and extension of knowledge through teaching and the advancement of knowledge through research and scholarship. Theories related to teaching and learning are explored. The concepts of role, change, curriculum, instruction and evaluation are introduced. This course is delivered through online technology.

Prerequisite: NURS 5310 and 5314.

NURS 5354  Assessment, Measurement, and Evaluation in Nursing  
3 Semester Credit Hours (3 Lecture Hours)  

Provides students with an overview of assessment, measurement, and evaluation strategies in the classroom and clinical areas. Students develop evaluation skills emphasizing unit, course and program outcomes. The process of evaluation within the teaching role is framed as a continuous quality improvement educational practice.

Prerequisite: NURS 5310 and 5314.

NURS 5355  Instructional Teaching Strategies  
3 Semester Credit Hours (3 Lecture Hours)  

Focuses on teaching and learning for nurse educators in the classroom, clinical, and laboratory settings. Emphasis is placed on instructional theory, best teaching practices, and research-based instructional strategies that support a diverse, student-centered learning environment. Instructional strategies will be applied in relation to the fit with teaching content and course design/delivery. Instructional strategies will be assessed for their effectiveness to evaluate student learning and program outcomes. This course is delivered through technology.

Prerequisite: NURS 5310 and 5314.

NURS 5360  Health Care Financial Management  
3 Semester Credit Hours (2 Lecture Hours, 1 Lab Hour)  

Overview of concepts, principles and uses of basic accounting and budgeting information for the health care manager. Focuses on providing the nurse administrator with a basis for understanding the fiscal status of a health care organization; Includes 45 hours of laboratory time to strengthen financial skills including ROI, budget development, FTEs and financial statement analysis. This course is cross-listed with HCAD 5325. This course is delivered through online technology.

Prerequisite: NURS 5310 and 5314.

NURS 5362  Leadership Theories in Nursing Practice  
3 Semester Credit Hours (3 Lecture Hours, 3 Lab Hours)  

Examines the relationship of leadership and management theory and processes to nursing practice in both urban and rural health care settings. The independent and interdependent functions of the nurse leader at various levels of decision making are identified and analyzed. Concepts basic to organizational functioning and role relationships within a transcultural framework are considered. A clinical laboratory experience provides students opportunities to analyze the effectiveness of leadership behaviors. The lecture component of this course is delivered through online technology. Laboratory hours must be completed in appropriate settings approved by clinical faculty.

Prerequisite: NURS 5310 and 5314.

NURS 5364  Organizational Design and Behavior in Nursing Practice Environments  
3 Semester Credit Hours (3 Lecture Hours)  

Focuses on the application and utilization of the theories, concepts and principles of organizational design and behavior in nursing leadership. Includes major theoretical viewpoints from organizational dynamics and processes, and their employment in nursing leadership environments. This course is delivered through online technology.

Prerequisite: NURS 5310 and 5314.

NURS 5365  Quality and Outcomes Management  
3 Semester Credit Hours (3 Lecture Hours)  

Examines conceptual models of quality and their application to the management and evaluation of quality of care across health care settings. The role of outcomes measurement as a major indicator of quality of care is emphasized. This course is delivered through online technology.

Prerequisite: NURS 5310 and 5314.

NURS 5390  Topics in Advanced Nursing Practice  
1-3 Semester Credit Hours (1-3 Lecture Hours)  

In?depth study of various leadership and clinical nursing practice areas. May be repeated when topics vary. Offered on sufficient demand.

NURS 5391  Seminar in Nursing  
1-3 Semester Credit Hours (1-3 Lecture Hours)  

In?depth study and discussion of various topics relevant to nursing. May be repeated when topics vary. Offered on sufficient demand.

NURS 5396  Directed independent Study  
1-6 Semester Credit Hours  

Area of study interest.

NURS 5398  Graduate Research or Project  
1-3 Semester Credit Hours (3 Lecture Hours)  

Proposal development, project implementation or independent research under the direction of major professor. Students who have completed all requirements toward the Master of Science in Nursing degree except the thesis must enroll in this course each semester of the regular academic year under the direction of major professor. May be repeated a maximum of four times.

NURS 5399  Thesis  
3 Semester Credit Hours  

Independent research under the direction of a faculty member. Credit will not be recorded until thesis is accepted by the thesis committee.

NURS 5459  Education Practicum for the Nurse Educator  
4 Semester Credit Hours (1 Lecture Hour, 9 Lab Hours)  

Apply the roles of the nurse educator by using the nurse educator competencies as a framework for the practicum experience. Students will select an area of teaching either as an academic educator or as a clinical educator and work with a preceptor. This course requires the synthesis of theoretical knowledge from foundational courses to the design, implementation, and evaluation of a capstone project. Students will evaluate the responsibilities of the educator role in relation to meeting the goals of the practicum institution. This course requires 135 hours in a practicum setting. Students must achieve a B or above to earn credit for this course. The lecture component of this course is delivered through online technology. Laboratory hours must be completed in appropriate settings approved by clinical faculty. Capstone Course

NURS 5469  Patterns of Care Delivery  
4 Semester Credit Hours (4 Lecture Hours)  

Appraisal of various patterns of care delivery that develop in response to the evolving and increasingly complex resources in the health care delivery system. Students will complete a project evaluating the management and delivery of the continuum of care in one or more health care organizations. Students must earn a B or better grade to earn credit for this course. The lecture component of this course is delivered through online technology. Laboratory hours must complete in appropriate settings approved by clinical faculty. Capstone Course.

Co-requisite: NURS 5163.  
NURS 5624  Advanced Health Assessment and Differential Diagnosis  
6 Semester Credit Hours (4 Lecture Hours, 4 Lab Hours)  

Study and practice of complex skills for comprehensive health assessment with focus on differentiation and interpretation of normal and abnormal findings across the lifespan. Focus extends to developing a comprehensive database to establish a list of differential diagnoses. Includes radiology, EKGs and common office tests performed in primary practice. Oral and written communication of findings in a collaborative relationship with other healthcare providers is emphasized. Variables related to rural and multicultural populations are incorporated into the total assessment. Students increase knowledge of anatomy, physiology, and communication skills. The clinical component of the course provides opportunity to interpret as well as practice complex assessment techniques. Students perform basic office tests and interpret other laboratory and diagnostic data as part of the assessment process. The lecture component of this course is delivered through online technology. Laboratory hours must be completed in appropriate settings approved by clinical faculty.

NURS 5644  Management of Acute and Chronic Illness I  
6 Semester Credit Hours (6 Lecture Hours)  

Study of clinical management of commonly occurring acute and chronic conditions in primary health care settings across the lifespan. Content includes study of symptom complexes, pathophysiology, epidemiology, clinical management, and prevention of complications. Emphasis is on symptom analysis, diagnostic reasoning, differential diagnosis, and prescription of therapeutic regimens. Attention is given to research-based pharmacological and non-pharmacological treatments, and integration of nursing, developmental, family and transcultural theories to the diagnostic and management process. The clinical practice provides the opportunity for the student to perform comprehensive and episodic assessments, practice advanced skills in health assessment, diagnose commonly occurring illnesses, and suggest treatments under supervision in urban/rural communities. The lecture component of this course is delivered through online technology. Laboratory hours must be completed in appropriate settings approved by clinical faculty.

Prerequisite: NURS 5322, 5323, 5341 and 5624.

NURS 5645  Management of Acute and Chronic Illness II  
6 Semester Credit Hours (6 Lecture Hours)  

Continued study of the clinical management of commonly occurring acute and chronic conditions in primary health care settings across the life span. Emphasis is on symptom analysis, diagnostic reasoning, differential diagnosis, and prescription of therapeutic regimens. The clinical practice provides the opportunity for the students to perform comprehensive and episodic assessments, practice advanced skills in health assessment, diagnose commonly occurring illness, and suggest treatments under supervision. The lecture component of this course is delivered through online technology. Laboratory hours must be completed in appropriate settings approved by clinical faculty.

Prerequisite: NURS 5644.

NURS 5746  Integrated Clinical Practice: FNP  
7 Semester Credit Hours (7 Lecture Hours)  

Continued study of assessment and clinical management of selected health problems frequently seen in primary health care. The clinical portion provides for the development of clinical competence as the student integrates previously acquired knowledge into the enactment of the multiple roles for the nurse practitioner, and allows for a greater degree of interdependent practice based on the student's abilities and progress. Student may work with a preceptor in multicultural and rural communities. Students must earn a B or better grade to earn credit for this course. The lecture component of this course is delivered through online technology. Laboratory hours must be completed in appropriate settings approved by clinical faculty. Capstone Course.

Prerequisite: NURS 5645.

NURS 6195  DNP Project Seminar  
1 Semester Credit Hour  

Deliverables related to the DNP project. Open only to DNP students in the CONHS with consent of the DNP Chair. Does not count as credit toward regular graded coursework for DNP degree. Grade assigned will be "credit" (CR) or "no credit" (NC). 

Prerequisite: NURS 6304*, 6307*, 6308* or 6311*.
* May be taken concurrently.

NURS 6300  Health Policy and Economics for the DNP  
3 Semester Credit Hours (3 Lecture Hours)  

Focus is on the use of political efficacy and competence to improve health outcomes and improve the quality of the health care delivery system. The interrelationships between policy, political trends, health care quality outcomes, access to care, and economics will be examined.

NURS 6301  Epidemiology and Statistics for Evidence-Based Practice  
3 Semester Credit Hours (3 Lecture Hours)  

Principles of epidemiology and biostatics applied to the management of population health. 

NURS 6302  Genomics in Health Care  
3 Semester Credit Hours (3 Lecture Hours)  

Focus is on the relationship between genes, environment, and health. Emphasis will be placed on concepts of prevention and treatment effectiveness within cultural care contexts. Ethical and legal considerations will also be addressed.

NURS 6303  System Behavior and Impact on Health Care  
3 Semester Credit Hours (3 Lecture Hours)  

Principles and application of organizational behavior that promotes quality care delivery in diverse healthcare settings. The microsystems framework for quality management will be applied to quality management in selected healthcare settings. May require field-based activities.

NURS 6304  Application of Evidence in Practice I  
3 Semester Credit Hours (3 Lecture Hours)  

Exploration of issues related to evidence-based practice in select clinical settings under the direction of faculty. Synthesizes key research related to clinical topics as part of systematic review of evidence. Requires field-based activities.

NURS 6306  Informatics and Technology for Advanced Practice  
3 Semester Credit Hours (3 Lecture Hours)  

The examination of the use and mobilization of information and technology across organizations for insuring continuity of quality care. May require field-based activities.

NURS 6307  Application of Evidence in Practice II  
3 Semester Credit Hours (3 Lecture Hours)  

Integration of practice, theory, and research to expand clinical expertise in the management of clinical or system problems. Includes the examination of care delivery structures and processes that contribute to specific clinical problems. Clinical practice experiences available with this course. 

Prerequisite: NURS 6304 and 6308.

NURS 6308  DNP Project Proposal  
3 Semester Credit Hours (3 Lecture Hours)  

Development of DNP project proposal.  Requires presentation to DNP faculty for approval at the end of the course.

Prerequisite: NURS 6303 and 6304.

Co-requisite: NURS 6195.  
NURS 6309  Integration and Translation of Theory in Practice  
3 Semester Credit Hours (3 Lecture Hours)  

Expanded development of expertise in the management of health problems in selected populations through integrating and translating theory in practice. An overview of theoretical principles and guidelines appropriate for use in DNP projects, quality improvement and implementing evidence-based projects.

Prerequisite: NURS 6303 and 6304.

NURS 6311  DNP Project Report  
3 Semester Credit Hours (3 Lecture Hours)  

Demonstration of advanced role competencies through the design and the implementation of a project with potential to have a positive impact on patient or system outcomes.

Prerequisite: (NURS 6307, 6304, 6308 and 6309).

Co-requisite: NURS 6195.  
NURS 6321  Application of Advanced Principles for Clinical Nursing Practice  
3 Semester Credit Hours (3 Lecture Hours)  

Emphasis will be on synthesis of past clinical practice, with advanced understanding of theory, evidence based practice, policy issues, and principles of quality assurance and safety to continue the development of the doctoral student as an expert reflective practitioner.  Individualized clinical focus will be on designated populations.

NURS 6331  Advanced Principles for Executive Practice  
3 Semester Credit Hours (3 Lecture Hours)  

Application of financial and human resource management principles in designing solutions to complex healthcare delivery problems emerging from current healthcare reimbursement and performance requirements. Clinical experiences are required for this course. 

NURS 6393  The DNP Project and Biostatistics  
3 Semester Credit Hours (3 Lecture Hours)  

In depth study of various leadership and clinical nursing practice areas. Students will study techniques in evidence based research and apply aspects of research methods including quality improvement methodologies and statistical techniques.

Prerequisite: NURS 6308.