Educational Administration (EDAD)

EDAD 5304  Introduction to the Principalship  
3 Semester Credit Hours (3 Lecture Hours)  

This course serves as an orientation to learner-centered leadership and the A&M-Corpus Christi administrator preparation program. Course activities include an assessment of student potential for learner-centered leadership and the development of an initial personal educational platform. Based on active class participation and discussion of simulated and real issues, students will construct an individual growth plan while exploring principles of professional ethics. Doctoral students will complete a research study on the best practices of the principalship. Students who have taken EDAD 5304 may not enroll in EDAD 6304. Benchmark for this course is the successful completion of a professional portfolio with a personal educational platform. This will include a philosophy, an annotated bibliography and a professional toolkit.

EDAD 5360  Organizational Theory  
3 Semester Credit Hours (3 Lecture Hours)  

The school as a formal organization. Focuses on theoretical aspects of organizational structures and processes with special reference to educational institutions. Doctoral students will do a scholarly analysis of two books related to Organizational Theory. Students who have taken EDAD 5360 may not enroll in EDAD 6360.

EDAD 5361  School Law and Human Resources  
3 Semester Credit Hours (3 Lecture Hours)  

Overview of educational administration program content and the opportunity to discuss current issues in administration, which include structure and function of national, state and local agencies of educational governance and the politics of education. Doctoral students will do an exhaustive literature review culminating in a research paper on public school law. Students who have taken EDAD 5361 may not enroll in EDAD 6361.

EDAD 5363  Public School Law  
3 Semester Credit Hours (3 Lecture Hours)  

This course is designed to assist current and future faculty, staff, and administrators who have an interest in the legal issues in the K-12 public schools. Knowledge related to the historical and philosophical underpinning of public school law will be acquired. Past and current legal issues will be analyzed to determine application possibilities. This course is also designed to provide knowledge regarding legal issues that impact K-12 public school education and to help develop competencies in public school education governance. Basic principles of school law and school board policy will provide information and background necessary to recognize and deal with legal issues as they emerge in public schools.

EDAD 5364  Management of Educational Programs and Special Units  
3 Semester Credit Hours (3 Lecture Hours)  

This course emphasizes the management of the internal organization and support of units of a campus. Topics include student grouping, staffing, scheduling, programming for special population students, textbooks, food service, campus security and pupil transportation. Students who have taken EDAD 5364 may not enroll in EDAD 6364.

EDAD 5366  Personnel Management  
3 Semester Credit Hours (3 Lecture Hours)  

Selection, assignment and evaluation of school personnel; salary and conditions of service for administrators, and instructional and non-instructional personnel. Doctoral students will do a research paper on some aspect of the human resource function of school administration. Students who have taken EDAD 5366 may not enroll in EDAD 6366. Benchmark for this course is the development of a professional resume and an analysis of a particular category of school employee presented to the class formally for a grade.

EDAD 5367  Public School Finance and Operations  
3 Semester Credit Hours (3 Lecture Hours)  

Study of the legal and conceptual basis of financing public schools with emphasis on Texas' economics of school finance; taxation trends and revenue sources; financial inequalities in opportunity, ability and effort; alternative models of school financing; managing educational resources at the district level; and funding and managing district facilities. Students who have taken EDAD 5367 may not enroll in EDAD 6367.

EDAD 5368  School Public Relations  
3 Semester Credit Hours (3 Lecture Hours)  

Relationships between school districts and other societal institutions and their public opinion and attitudes, relationships with news media, conducting bond campaigns, the use of citizens' advisory boards. Doctoral students will do a comprehensive literature review culminating in a paper on some aspect of school public relations. Students who have taken EDAD 5368 may not enroll in EDAD 6368.

EDAD 5369  The School Superintendency  
3 Semester Credit Hours (3 Lecture Hours)  

Simulation of the school superintendency; superintendent's relationships with the school board, administration staff and teacher organizations; the superintendent's planning responsibilities. Doctoral students will do a comprehensive literature review resulting in a research paper related to the superintendency. Students who have taken EDAD 5369 may not enroll in EDAD 6369.

EDAD 5374  Campus Finance and Budgeting  
3 Semester Credit Hours (3 Lecture Hours)  

This course is a study of the financial operations of public school campuses in Texas. Seeks to equip the principal with the knowledge and skills necessary to understand and manage the budgeting, accounting, planning, purchasing and auditing functions of a campus. Doctoral students will also complete a research paper on the theory of Public School Finance. Students who have taken EDAD 5374 may not enroll in EDAD 6374. Benchmark for this course will be the development of a campus budget with use of an AEIS report. Monies for the development of the budget are determined by the special program enrollment and enrollment individually selected by the students.

EDAD 5375  Communication and Community Relations  
3 Semester Credit Hours (3 Lecture Hours)  

A study of the multi-dimensional role of school community relations and administrative communication at the campus level. This course seeks to emphasize the importance of designing programs relating to the needs and problems of the school and its internal and external publics by employing analysis, oral and written communication formats, communication skills and processes, for a diverse democratic environment where citizen cooperation and involvement in school affairs is key to dynamic support and success of the school. Doctoral students will complete a scholarly paper on some topic related to school communications/community relations. Students who have taken EDAD 5375 may not enroll in EDAD 6375. Benchmark for this course will be the development and presentation of a public relations plan and strategy for a campus.

EDAD 5376  Supervision of Teaching  
3 Semester Credit Hours (3 Lecture Hours)  

This course is designed to study supervisory behavior and its related functions. Students are expected to acquire the knowledge and skills requisite to managing and supervising teaching and learning, and the knowledge, skills, and attitude related to an appropriate climate for instruction. Students who have taken EDAD 5376 may not enroll in EDAD 6376.   Benchmark for this course will be the ILD Proficiencies and a personal philosophy research paper.

EDAD 5377  Teacher Appraisal System  
3 Semester Credit Hours (3 Lecture Hours)  

This course examines the structure and function of the official appraisal system for Texas teachers.  The course is designed to explore all facets of the current teacher evaluation process for the State of Texas.  At the successful conclusion of the course, the students will receive official certification by the State of Texas to use the current teacher evaluation process for the State of Texas to appraise teachers.

EDAD 5378  Application of Administrative Concepts  
3 Semester Credit Hours (3 Lecture Hours)  

Students will demonstrate the capacity to plan for the use of administrative concepts in the solution of problems in a simulated school; assessment of student ability to apply knowledge in the solution of practical problems; time management techniques for administrators; conflict management strategies. Instructor approval required. Doctoral students will complete a scholarly paper on Landmark court cases in Texas. Students who have taken EDAD 5378 may not enroll in EDAD 6378. Benchmark for this course will be the Case Studies analysis presented to the class and a successful in-basket analysis.

EDAD 5390  Professional Seminar  
1-3 Semester Credit Hours  

Contemporary issues in education; topics vary with professional identification of participants.

EDAD 5398  Practicum in the School Superintendency  
3 Semester Credit Hours  

On-the-job training in a school superintendent's office. Doctoral students will write a reflection paper on the practicum relating it to the most current literature in the field. Students who have taken EDAD 5398 may not enroll in EDAD 6398.

EDAD 5399  School Administration Practicum  
3 Semester Credit Hours  

Required of all certification candidates. Serves as the culminating experience and the capstone of the degree/certification program. During the internship, students will assess the suitability of their skills and dispositions for administrative work; integrate skills and knowledge previously acquired; and become socialized into the administrative role. Grade assigned will be "credit" (CR) or "no credit" (NC). Instructor approval required. Student must have completed 24 hours toward the Masters; 15 hours for certification. Students who have taken EDAD 5399 may not enroll in EDAD 6399. All students taking this course must have valid teaching certificate and permission of the department. Students who do not hold a certificate in teaching may complete EDAD 5696. Students enrolled in EDAD 5696 are not eligible for a principal certification. Benchmark for this course will be the successful completion of an internship log that is referenced by 100 hours of activity in the six principal domains. The log must be verified by the site supervisor.

EDAD 5696  Directed individual Study  
1-6 Semester Credit Hours  

Programs will be designed for individual cases. May be repeated when topics vary.

EDAD 6304  Introduction to the Principalship  
3 Semester Credit Hours (3 Lecture Hours)  

This course serves as an orientation to learner-centered leadership and the A&M-Corpus Christi administrator preparation program. Course activities include an assessment of student potential for learner-centered leadership and the development of an initial personal educational platform. Based on active class participation and discussion of simulated and real issues, students will construct an individual growth plan while exploring principles of professional ethics. Doctoral students will complete a research study on the best practices of the principalship. Students who have taken EDAD 5304 may not enroll in EDAD 6304. Benchmark for this course is the successful completion of a professional portfolio with a personal educational platform. This will include a philosophy, an annotated bibliography and a professional toolkit.

EDAD 6360  Organizational Theory  
3 Semester Credit Hours (3 Lecture Hours)  

ORGANIZATIONAL THEORY The school as a formal organization. Focuses on theoretical aspects of organizational structures and processes with special reference to educational institutions. Doctoral students will do a scholarly analysis of two books related to Organizational Theory. Students who have taken EDAD 5360 may not enroll in EDAD 6360.

EDAD 6361  School Law and Human Resources  
3 Semester Credit Hours (3 Lecture Hours)  

Overview of educational administration program content and the opportunity to discuss current issues in administration, which include structure and function of national, state and local agencies of educational governance and the politics of education. Doctoral students will do an exhaustive literature review culminating in a research paper on public school law. Students who have taken EDAD 5361 may not enroll in EDAD 6361.

EDAD 6363  Public School Law  
3 Semester Credit Hours (3 Lecture Hours)  

This course is designed to assist current and future faculty, staff, and administrators who have an interest in the legal issues in the K-12 public schools. Knowledge related to the historical and philosophical underpinning of public school law will be acquired. Past and current legal issues will be analyzed to determine application possibilities. This course is also designed to provide knowledge regarding legal issues that impact K-12 public school education and to help develop competencies in public school education governance. Basic principles of school law and school board policy will provide information and background necessary to recognize and deal with legal issues as they emerge in public schools. Doctoral students will do an annotated bibliography and literature review culminating in a research paper on public school law. Students who have taken EDAD 5363 may not enroll in EDAD 6363.

EDAD 6364  Management of Educational Programs and Special Units  
3 Semester Credit Hours (3 Lecture Hours)  

MANAGEMENT OF EDUCATIONAL PROGRAMS AND SPECIAL UNITS This course emphasizes the management of the internal organization and support of units of a campus. Topics include student grouping, staffing, scheduling, programming for special population students, textbooks, food service, campus security and pupil transportation.

EDAD 6366  Personnel Management  
3 Semester Credit Hours (3 Lecture Hours)  

SCHOOL PERSONNEL MANAGEMENT Selection, assignment and evaluation of school personnel; salary and conditions of service for administrators, and instructional and non-instructional personnel. Doctoral students will do a research paper on some aspect of the human resource function of school administration. Students who have taken EDAD 5366 may not enroll in EDAD 6366.

EDAD 6367  Public School Finance and Operations  
3 Semester Credit Hours (3 Lecture Hours)  

Study of the legal and conceptual basis of financing public schools with emphasis on Texas’ economics of school finance; taxation trends and revenue sources; financial inequalities in opportunity, ability and effort; alternative models of school financing; managing educational resources at the district level; and funding and managing district facilities. Students who have taken EDAD 5367 may not enroll in EDAD 6367.

EDAD 6368  School Public Relations  
3 Semester Credit Hours (3 Lecture Hours)  

Relationships between school districts and other societal institutions and their public opinion and attitudes, relationships with news media, conducting bond campaigns, the use of citizens’ advisory boards. Doctoral students will do a comprehensive literature review culminating in a paper on some aspect of school public relations. Students who have taken EDAD 5368 may not enroll in EDAD 6368.

EDAD 6369  The School Superintendency  
3 Semester Credit Hours (3 Lecture Hours)  

Simulation of the school superintendency; superintendent’s relationships with the school board, administration staff and teacher organizations; the superintendent’s planning responsibilities. Doctoral students will do a comprehensive literature review resulting in a research paper related to the superintendency. Students who have taken EDAD 5369 may not enroll in EDAD 6369.

EDAD 6374  Campus Finance and Budgeting  
3 Semester Credit Hours (3 Lecture Hours)  

CAMPUS FINANCE AND BUDGETING This course is a study of the financial operations of public school campuses in Texas. Seeks to equip the principal with the knowledge and skills necessary to understand and manage the budgeting, accounting, planning, purchasing and auditing functions of a campus. Doctoral students will also complete a research paper on the theory of Public School Finance. Students who have taken EDAD 5374 may not enroll in EDAD 6374.

EDAD 6375  Communication and Community Relations  
3 Semester Credit Hours (3 Lecture Hours)  

COMMUNICATION AND COMMUNITY RELATIONS A study of the multi-dimensional role of school-community relations and administrative communication at the campus level. This course seeks to emphasize the importance of designing programs relating to the needs and problems of the school and its internal and external publics by employing analysis, oral and written communication formats, communication skills and processes, for a diverse democratic environment where citizen cooperation and involvement in school affairs is key to dynamic support and success of the school. Doctoral students will complete a scholarly paper on some topic related to school communications/community relations. Students who have taken EDAD 5375 may not enroll in EDAD 6375.

EDAD 6376  Supervision of Teaching  
3 Semester Credit Hours (3 Lecture Hours)  

This course is designed to study supervisory behavior and its related functions. Students are expected to acquire the knowledge and skills requisite to managing and supervising teaching and learning, and the knowledge, skills, and attitude related to an appropriate climate for instruction. Students who have taken EDAD 5376 may not enroll in EDAD 6376.

EDAD 6377  Teacher Appraisal System  
3 Semester Credit Hours (3 Lecture Hours)  

This course examines the structure and function of the official appraisal system for Texas teachers.  The course is designed to explore all facets of the current teacher evaluation process for the State of Texas.  At the successful conclusion of the course, the students will receive official certification by the State of Texas to use the current teacher evaluation process for the State of Texas to appraise teachers. Students who have taken EDAD 5377 may not enroll in EDAD 6377.

EDAD 6378  Application of Administrative Concepts  
3 Semester Credit Hours (3 Lecture Hours)  

The use of administrative concepts in the solution of problems in a simulated school; assessment of student ability to apply knowledge in the solution of practical problems; time management techniques for administrators; conflict management strategies. Instructor approval required. Doctoral students will complete a scholarly paper on Landmark court cases in Texas. Students who have taken EDAD 5378 may not enroll in EDAD 6378.

EDAD 6379  Policies And Practices For LGBTQ+Students In Public Schools  
3 Semester Credit Hours (3 Lecture Hours)  

This course is a study of evolving policy issues related to students in the public schools who identify as LGBTQ+ or whose parents identify as LGBTQ+, as well as human resources issues for LGBTQ+ -identifying employees. The role of the superintendent in ensuring an inclusive and safe environment for all students and staff, particularly those who identify as LGBTQ+, will be emphasized. The influence of gender identity, gender expression and sexual orientation in public school curricular and extracurricular experiences will be explored, along with cultural influences that shape policies pertaining to LGBTQ+ students and staff in public schools.

EDAD 6390  Professional Seminar  
3 Semester Credit Hours (3 Lecture Hours)  

Contemporary issues in education; topics vary with professional identification of participants.

EDAD 6398  Practicum in the School Superintendency  
3 Semester Credit Hours (3 Lecture Hours)  

On-the-job training in a school superintendent’s office. Doctoral students will write a reflection paper on the practicum relating it to the most current literature in the field. Students who have taken EDAD 5398 may not enroll in EDAD 6398. Grade assigned will be “credit” (CR) or “no credit” (NC).

EDAD 6399  School Administration Practicum  
3 Semester Credit Hours  

Required of all certification candidates. Serves as the culminating experience and the capstone of the degree/certification program. During the internship, students will assess the suitability of their skills and dispositions for administrative work; integrate skills and knowledge previously acquired; and become socialized into the administrative role. Grade assigned will be Credit (C) or No Credit (NC). Instructor approval required. Student must have completed 24 hours toward the Masters; 15 hours for certification. Students who have taken EDAD 5399 may not enroll in EDAD 6399. All students taking this course must have valid teaching certificate and permission of the department. Students who do not hold a certificate in teaching may complete EDAD 5396. Students enrolled in EDAD 5396 are not eligible for a principal certification. Benchmark for this course will be the successful completion of an intership log that is referred by 100 hours of activity in the six prinicipal domains. The log must be verified by the site supervisor. Must have valid teaching certificate and permission of the program coordinator. 

EDAD 6696  Directed Individual Study  
1-6 Semester Credit Hours  

May be repeated when topics vary.