Criminal Justice (CRIJ)
Examination of the theoretical, philosophical, and historical foundations of the criminal justice system. Includes critical analysis of major criminal justice perspectives and models.
Study of selected topics that provide an understanding of the judicial process as it affects the entire criminal justice system. May be repeated when topics vary.
Examination of the historical development of the rehabilitative ideal. Analysis of the theoretical and ideological foundations of correctional policy and practice.
Historical development of the juvenile justice system. Analysis of procedures and problems at each stage of the process. Includes overview of delinquency causation, scope, and treatment.
Study of the supervision and management of criminal justice organizations. Consideration of planning and program evaluation as integral parts of management.
Analysis of contemporary issues in the administration of justice. Emphasis on key concerns of major system components. May be repeated when topics vary.
Individual study, reading or research with faculty direction and evaluation. Offered on application to and approval of the program coordinator.