Special Education (SPED)
This course requires students to participate in schools and programs that serve individuals with disabilities on and off campus. Students will be actively involved in the learning situation.
This online course is designed to familiarize the student with the various disability conditions, aspects of intersectionality related to other cultural and linguistic characteristics, and instructional planning for students with individual needs.
Prerequisite: EDUC 2211.
This course is intended to prepare special educators with content knowledge and effective instructional practices related to strategic reading and language intervention and instruction.
This course is intended to prepare special educators with content knowledge and effective instructional practices related to strategic intervention and instruction in mathematics and other content areas.
Prerequisite: SPED 3310.
This course provides an introduction and demonstration of specific skills necessary for teaching students with high-incidence disabilities.
Prerequisite: SPED 3310.
This course emphasizes the design and implementation of individualized educational programs (IEP) for students with disabilities.
Prerequisite: SPED 3310.
This course is designed to develop and extend the student's knowledge of the principles of applied learning theory as it relates to students with extensive and pervasive support needs.
Prerequisite: SPED 3310.
This course is an introductory study of the adaptations, approaches, and supports necessary to meet the educational needs of students who have communication, intellectual, motor, sensory, medical impairments, and/or other extensive and pervasive support needs.
Prerequisite: SPED 3310.
This course provides an understanding of assistive technology and its application in instructional programs for students with disabilities. Students will learn to design effective instructional experiences utilizing instructional and assistive technologies. Students will have extensive virtual practice with assistive technologies and demonstration through videos and case studies. This course will address the knowledge, skills, and application of information necessary to implement assistive technology in a variety of academic settings.
Prerequisite: SPED 3310.
A comparative overview of the physical development and motor-activity needs of students with disabilities.
Strategies and procedures for teaching community-based instruction to individuals with disabilities, including independent living and socialization skills, are discussed.
This introductory course will focus on positive behavioral supports and behavior intervention techniques. Course content includes information on: definitions, characteristics, prevalence, causes, assessment, prevention of behavioral difficulties, functional behavior assessment, appied behavior analysis, education service delivery, advocacy, and other current issues in the field.
This course is intended to provide special educators with knowledge relating to the role of parents, paraeducators, administrators, other professionals, and students on multi-disciplinary teams; initiatives in building inclusive programs; and the array of services available to youth with disabilities, with emphasis on transition programming to ensure student success in postschool education, employment, and community integration upon high school graduation. The course provides skills in effective communication; promoting family involvement, including families from culturally and linguistically diverse communities; team planning; collaborative and transition-focused instruction.
This course is intended to prepare special educators with content knowledge and effective instructional practices related to strategic reading and language intervention and instruction.
Programs will be designed for individual cases through special permission of the Department Chair and Dean. May be repeated for credit when the topic varies.