Women and Gender Studies (WGST)

WGST 2301  Introduction to LGBTQIA+ Studies  
3 Semester Credit Hours (3 Lecture Hours)  

More than just a banner for identity politics, lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, queer, intersex, asexual, and two spirit (LGBTQIA2S+) studies offers us a way of understanding the contemporary U.S. colonial nation-state and imagining otherwise. Drawing from foundational queer theory, legal and medical history, and queer cultural productions (film and literature), this course asks: How have LGBTQIA2S+ thinkers sought change and justice? What does a queer future look like? And how can queer theory reimagine the world?

WGST 3301  Introduction to Women and Gender Studies  
3 Semester Credit Hours (3 Lecture Hours)  

An introduction to the study of women and gender across disciplines and cultures. Designed to engage students in some of the most important methodological and theoretical debates regarding women's experiences and the construction of knowledge about women historically and today. Literary, anthropological, sociological, historical, scientific, and managerial perspectives may be included.

WGST 4380  Senior Seminar in Women and Gender Studies  
3 Semester Credit Hours (3 Lecture Hours)  

This seminar explores the relationship between theory and application in the field of women and gender studies. This includes the study of feminist theories and methodologies with special attention to the application of these to current debates and social issues. In addition, students must complete a research paper or applied experience project that is relevant for their major field of study.