Industrial Engineering, BS

Program Description

The Industrial Engineering curriculum prepares graduates to design, develop, implement, and improve integrated systems that include people, materials, information, equipment and energy. The curriculum includes in-depth instruction to accomplish the integration of systems using appropriate analytical, computational, and experimental practices.

Industrial Engineering, BS

Industrial Engineers apply science, mathematics, and engineering methods to complex system integration and operations. Because these systems are so large and complex, IEs need to have knowledge and skills in a wide variety of disciplines, the ability to work well with people, and a broad, systems perspective. Industrial engineers use their knowledge and skills to improve systematic processes through the use of statistical analysis, interpersonal communication, design, planning, quality control, operations management, computer simulation, and problem solving.  The Industrial Engineering curriculum prepares graduates to design, develop, implement, and improve integrated systems that include people, materials, information, equipment and energy. The curriculum includes in-depth instruction to accomplish the integration of systems using appropriate analytical, computational, and experimental practices.

Program Educational Objectives

In accordance with ABET accreditation requirements, the Program Educational Objectives (PEOs) describe the professional accomplishments that Industrial Engineering graduates are expected to achieve, within a few years of graduation. The PEOs are:

  1. Within two years of graduation from TAMU-CC, our graduates who have chosen to pursue a career in engineering or a related field will be working in industry, government, construction, or other professional service as industrial engineers, or will be pursuing graduate degrees in industrial engineering or post-baccalaureate degrees in other fields, such as law, business, or medicine.
  2. Within five years of graduation from TAMU-CC our graduates who have chosen to pursue a career in engineering or a related field will have
    • advanced in their careers as indicated by obtaining promotions and positions of leadership, awards, recognitions as subject matter experts, and/or registration as professional engineers or in other professional disciplines; or by entrepreneurial activities, products or processes developed, patents, and/or publications;
    • demonstrated the ability to increase their knowledge and expertise through continuing education or advanced degrees; and
    • contributed to the improvement of the profession and of society through research, national and/or international collaboration, and/or professional and public service including mentoring.

Student Learning Outcomes

Graduates will have:

  1. an ability to identify, formulate, and solve complex engineering problems by applying principles of engineering, science, and mathematics
  2. an ability to apply engineering design to produce solutions that meet specified needs with consideration of public health, safety, and welfare, as well as global, cultural, social, environmental, and economic factors
  3. an ability to communicate effectively with a range of audiences
  4. an ability to recognize ethical and professional responsibilities in engineering situations and make informed judgments, which must consider the impact of engineering solutions in global, economic, environmental, and societal contexts
  5. an ability to function effectively on a team whose members together provide leadership, create a collaborative and inclusive environment, establish goals, plan tasks, and meet objectives
  6. an ability to develop and conduct appropriate experimentation, analyze and interpret data, and use engineering judgment to draw conclusions
  7. an ability to acquire and apply new knowledge as needed, using appropriate learning strategies.

Fundamentals of Engineering (FE) Exam

All engineering students are encouraged to take the Fundamentals of Engineering (FE) exam.  This is exam is an important step toward licensure as a Professional Engineer (P.E.), which many engineers find useful and necessary in their careers.  Close to the end of the B.S. degree program is an excellent time to take the exam, because the student has the best preparation for the exam at that point in the student’s academic career. 

Admission from pre-engineering

For all students admitted into a pre-engineering program at TAMU-CC who wish to transfer into one of the TAMU-CC engineering programs (CEEN, EEEN, IEEN, MEEN), the cumulative GPA for all MATH, CHEM, PHYS, ENGR, COSC, CEEN, EEEN, IEEN, or MEEN courses that appear in the CEEN, EEEN, IEEN, or MEEN program curricula, plus any ENTC courses, taken at TAMU-CC, or their equivalents taken at other institutions, should be 2.5 or greater to be admitted into the CEEN, EEEN, IEEN, or MEEN programs at TAMU-CC.  There should be a minimum of at least 12 hours of such courses taken at TAMU-CC or elsewhere before a transfer / admission to CEEN, EEEN, IEEN, or MEEN may be considered.  All such students must also meet the requirements to take MATH 2413 Calculus I (4 sch) if they have not already done so.

Master of Business Administration (MBA) Option

Industrial engineering students who have completed 96 credit hours toward the Industrial Engineering B.S. degree and earned a cumulative GPA of 3.0 or higher may elect the MBA option in senior year. Students who elect the MBA option are required to take three MBA foundation courses to satisfy the Technical Elective Block requirements:

ACCT 5312Foundations of Accounting3
ECON 5311Foundations in Economics3
FINA 5311Financial Management Concepts3

Students who plan to elect the MBA Option are encouraged to have summer internship experience before senior year, and will be able to complete an MBA degree study with 2 regular semesters and 1 summer session beyond an Industrial Engineering B.S. degree study.

General Requirements

The Industrial Engineering curriculum consists of a minimum of 123 credit hours. It can be divided into five main areas:

Requirements Credit Hours
Core Curriculum Program 42
First-Year Seminars (when applicable)1 0-2
Common Engineering, Math and Science Courses 48
Required Industrial Engineering Courses 21
Capstone Project 3
Technical Elective Block 9
Total Credit Hours 123-125

Full-time, first time in college students are required to take the first-year seminars.

Program Requirements

Full-time, First-year Students
UNIV 1101University Seminar I1
UNIV 1102University Seminar II1
Core Curriulum Program
University Core Curriculum42
Industrial Engineering students should take: 1
General Chemistry I (Science requirement)
Calculus I (Mathematics requirement)
Calculus II (Component Area Option)
University Physics I (Science requirement)
Common Engineering, Math and Science Courses
General Chemistry I (included in University Core)
COSC 1330Programming for Scientists, Engineers, and Mathematicians3
ENGR 1201Introduction to Engineering2
ENGR 1312Engineering Graphics I3
ENGR 3316Thermodynamics3
ENGR 3322Materials Science3
ENGR 2325Statics3
ENGR 2460Circuit Analysis4
ENGR 3350Manufacturing Processes3
ENGR 4240Project Management2
ENGR 4420Engineering Lab Measurements4
Calculus I (included in University Core)
MATH 2414Calculus II (3 lecture hours included in University Core)1
MATH 2415Calculus III4
MATH 3311Linear Algebra3
MATH 3315Differential Equations3
MATH 3342Applied Probability and Statistics3
University Physics I (included in University Core)
PHYS 2426University Physics II4
Required Industrial Engineering Courses
IEEN 2302Engineering Economics3
IEEN 3302Operations Research3
IEEN 3320Human Factors3
IEEN 3324Human Systems Interface3
IEEN 3330Robotics and Automation3
IEEN 4312Experimental Design and Analysis3
IEEN 4330Digital Systems Simulation3
Technical Electives Block
Students must complete 9 hours of elective courses. These may include upper-division Engineering (CEEN, EEEN, IEEN, MEEN) and 4000-level Engineering Technology (ENTC) courses outside of the required courses in their degree plans, any 4000-level MATH, COSC, BIOL, CHEM, or PHYS courses, the specified courses in the 5-year BS/MBA program, and other courses approved by the Department of Engineering.9
Capstone Project
ENGR 4370Capstone Projects3
Total Hours125

The 3 lecture hours in MATH 2413 Calculus I (4 sch), CHEM 1411 General Chemistry I (4 sch), and PHYS 2425 University Physics I (4 sch) satisfy the required 3 and 6 core curriculum hours in math and science, respectively.  The 1 lab hour from each of these three courses, and the 3 lecture hours from MATH 2414 Calculus II (4 sch), satisfy the 6-hour component area option requirement in the core curriculum. Students transferring to Texas A&M University - Corpus Christi from other institutions may have various means for fulfilling the core curriculum. Please refer to the “General Education Requirement” in the catalog section entitled “Undergraduate Programs.” 

Capstone Project

All industrial engineering students must complete a senior-level capstone project in ENGR 4370 Capstone Projects (3 sch). Students will work with practicing engineers and engineering faculty. The Capstone Project will give engineering students practical, professional experience to prepare them for careers in electrical engineering. 

Course Sequencing

Plan of Study Grid
First Year
UNIV 1101 University Seminar I 1
MATH 2413 Calculus I 4
ENGL 1301 Writing and Rhetoric I 3
HIST 1301 U.S. History to 1865 3
CHEM 1411 General Chemistry I 4
ENGR 1201 Introduction to Engineering 2
UNIV 1102 University Seminar II 1
ENGL 1302
Writing and Rhetoric II
or Foundation of Communication
MATH 2414 Calculus II 4
COSC 1330 Programming for Scientists, Engineers, and Mathematicians 3
PHYS 2425 University Physics I 4
ENGR 1312 Engineering Graphics I 3
Second Year
HIST 1302 U.S. History Since 1865 3
PHYS 2426 University Physics II 4
MATH 2415 Calculus III 4
ENGR 2325 Statics 3
IEEN 2302 Engineering Economics 3
MATH 3315 Differential Equations 3
ENGR 2460 Circuit Analysis 4
ENGR 3316 Thermodynamics 3
ENGR 3322 Materials Science 3
Third Year
POLS 2305 U.S. Government and Politics 3
MATH 3342 Applied Probability and Statistics 3
MATH 3311 Linear Algebra 3
IEEN 3330 Robotics and Automation 3
ENGR 3350 Manufacturing Processes 3
POLS 2306 State and Local Government 3
IEEN 3320 Human Factors 3
IEEN 3302 Operations Research 3
Technical elective 3
Language, Philosophy & Culture Core Requirement 3
Fourth Year
ENGR 4420 Engineering Lab Measurements 4
ENGR 4240 Project Management 2
IEEN 4312 Experimental Design and Analysis 3
IEEN 3324 Human Systems Interface 3
Social and Behavioral Sciences Core Requirement 3
ENGR 4370 Capstone Projects 3
IEEN 4330 Digital Systems Simulation 3
Creative Arts Core Requirement 3
Technical elective 3
Technical elective 3
 Total Hours125


Engineering Courses

ENGR 1201  Introduction to Engineering  
2 Semester Credit Hours (1 Lecture Hour, 2 Lab Hours)  

Introduction to the engineering profession, ethics, and disciplines; development of skills in teamwork, problem solving and design; other topics include computer applications and programming; Newton's laws, unit conversions, statistics. Offering: Fall and Spring.

Prerequisite: MATH 1314.

ENGR 1312  Engineering Graphics I  
3 Semester Credit Hours (2 Lecture Hours, 2 Lab Hours)  

Topics include, depending on the major: emphasis on computer applications and programming and solids modeling using CAD tools or other software; fundamentals of engineering science; advanced graphic skills. Pre-req: MATH 1314 - College Algebra or equivalent academic preparation. Offered Fall and Spring.

Prerequisite: MATH 1314.

TCCNS: ENGR 1304  
ENGR 2105  Electrical Circuits Laboratory  
1 Semester Credit Hour (3 Lab Hours)  

Laboratory experiments supporting theoretical principles presented in ENGR 2305 involving DC and AC circuit theory, network theorems, time, and frequency domain circuit analysis. Introduction to principles and operation of basic laboratory equipment; laboratory report preparation.

Prerequisite: ENGR 2305*.
* May be taken concurrently.

Co-requisite: ENGR 2305, SMTE 0099.  
ENGR 2106  Digital Systems Laboratory  
1 Semester Credit Hour (3 Lab Hours)  

Basic laboratory experiments supporting theoretical principles presented in ENGR 2306 involving design, construction, and analysis of combinational and sequential digital circuits and systems, including logic gates, adders, multiplexers, encoders, decoders, arithmetic logic units, latches, flip-flops, registers, and counters; preparation of laboratory reports.

Co-requisite: ENGR 2306, SMTE 0099.  
ENGR 2305  Electrical Circuits  
3 Semester Credit Hours (3 Lecture Hours)  

Principles of electrical circuits and systems. Basic circuit elements (resistance, inductance, mutual inductance, capacitance, independent and dependent controlled voltage, and current sources). Topology of electrical networks; Kirchhoff 's laws; node and mesh analysis; DC circuit analysis; operational amplifiers; transient and sinusoidal steady-state analysis; AC circuit analysis; first- and second-order circuits; Bode plots; and use of computer simulation software to solve circuit problems.

Prerequisite: PHYS 2426 and MATH 2414.

Co-requisite: ENGR 2105.  
ENGR 2306  Digital Systems  
3 Semester Credit Hours (3 Lecture Hours)  

Introduction to theory and design of digital logic, circuits, and systems. Number systems, operations and codes; logic gates; Boolean Algebra and logic simplification; Karnaugh maps; combinational logic; functions of combinational Logic; flip-flops and related devices; counters; shift registers; sequential logic; memory and storage. 

Prerequisite: MATH 2305*.
* May be taken concurrently.

Co-requisite: ENGR 2106.  
ENGR 2325  Statics  
3 Semester Credit Hours (3 Lecture Hours)  

Theory of engineering mechanics involving forces, moments, and couples on stationary structures; equilibrium in two and three dimensions; free body diagrams; truss analysis; friction; centroids; centers of gravity and moments of inertia.

Prerequisite: PHYS 2425 and MATH 2414*.
* May be taken concurrently.

TCCNS: ENGR 2301  
ENGR 2326  Dynamics  
3 Semester Credit Hours (3 Lecture Hours)  

Theory of engineering mechanics involving the motion of particles, rigid bodies and systems of particles; Newton's Laws; work and energy relationships; principles of impulse and momentum; application of kinetics and kinematics to the solution of engineering problems. 

Prerequisite: ENGR 2325.

TCCNS: ENGR 2302  
ENGR 2460  Circuit Analysis  
4 Semester Credit Hours (3 Lecture Hours, 3 Lab Hours)  

This course covers principles of electronics: charge, voltage, resistance, current, and power; Ohm's Law; Kirchhoff's voltage and current laws; RC and LC circuits; periodic functions, average and RMS measurements; transformers, electrical measurement instruments. The laboratory provides hands-on experience with devices and circuits discussed in the classroom.

Prerequisite: (PHYS 2426, MATH 2414 and 3315*).
* May be taken concurrently.

Co-requisite: SMTE 0099.  
TCCNS: ENGR 2305  
ENGR 3315  Fluid Mechanics  
3 Semester Credit Hours (3 Lecture Hours)  

Fluid properties, fluid statics, dynamics, and kinematics, conservation of energy and momentum incompressible, laminar and turbulent flow. Similitude and dimensional analysis, and viscous flow. Offered: Fall Spring.

Prerequisite: MATH 3315*, ENGR 2326 and MATH 2415.
* May be taken concurrently.

ENGR 3316  Thermodynamics  
3 Semester Credit Hours (3 Lecture Hours)  

Theory and application of energy methods in engineering; conservation of mass and energy; energy transfer by heat, work and mass; thermodynamic properties; analysis of open and closed systems; the second law of thermodynamics and entropy; gas, vapor and refrigeration cycles.

Prerequisite: (PHYS 2425 and MATH 2414).

ENGR 3320  Strength of Materials  
3 Semester Credit Hours (3 Lecture Hours)  

Concepts in strength of materials, stress, strain; deformation under load, direct, shear, and combined stresses; stress concentrations, bending stresses and torsional shear stresses, deflection in beams and shafts; columns, and pressure vessels.

Prerequisite: ENGR 2325 and 3322 or ENGR 2322.

ENGR 3322  Materials Science  
3 Semester Credit Hours (3 Lecture Hours)  

Structure and properties of metallic and nonmetallic materials; microstructure, mechanical testing, phase diagrams, heat treatment, testing, ceramics, polymers, composites, construction materials, failure analysis, nondestructive evaluation, corrosion and thermal properties of materials.

Prerequisite: (CHEM 1411 and PHYS 2425).

ENGR 3350  Manufacturing Processes  
3 Semester Credit Hours (2 Lecture Hours, 3 Lab Hours)  

Introduction to metal and non-metallic manufacturing processes; casting, forging, rolling, extrusion, sheet metal forming, cutting tools turning and milling operations, abrasive machining, welding and joining, powder compaction, molding, forming of plastics, surface treatment, human factors and safety.

Prerequisite: ENGR 1312 and 3322.

Co-requisite: SMTE 0099.  
ENGR 4240  Project Management  
2 Semester Credit Hours (2 Lecture Hours, 2 Lab Hours)  

Foundations of engineering economy, cash flow and equivalence, and project justification. Introduction to project management, planning, scheduling, and control, use of project management software, GANTT charts, PERT charts, and critical path. Students prepare proposals, including specifications, timelines, schedule, and budget, for projects to be implemented in ENGR 4370 - Capstone Projects. This course should be taken the semester preceding ENGR 4370 - Capstone Projects. 

Prerequisite: (MEEN 3330 and 3345) or (EEEN 3330, 3310 and 3350) or (IEEN 3302 and 3320) or (CEEN 3320 and 4304).

Co-requisite: SMTE 0099.  
ENGR 4350  Machine Vision and Image Processing Applications  
3 Semester Credit Hours (3 Lecture Hours)  

Introduces students to automated vision systems and components, camera models, testing and measurement, and fundamentals of image processing. Topics include image analysis and processing in binary, gray scale and color images in spatial- and frequency-domain. Texture and shape analysis, hyperspectral imaging, other transforms, and filters are discussed and applied.

Prerequisite: (COSC 1330 or 1435) and ENGR 2460 and MATH 2414.

ENGR 4370  Capstone Projects  
3 Semester Credit Hours (1 Lecture Hour, 5 Lab Hours)  

This course allows students to employ the knowledge attained in other courses to implement (including building, testing, and documenting) an approved project, within budget and on schedule. Course requirements include a written report and oral presentations.

Prerequisite: ENGR 4240.

Co-requisite: SMTE 0099.  
ENGR 4390  Special Topics in Engineering  
1-3 Semester Credit Hours (1 Lecture Hour)  

Subject material variable. May be repeated for credit when topics are different.

ENGR 4420  Engineering Lab Measurements  
4 Semester Credit Hours (2 Lecture Hours, 4 Lab Hours)  

Principles of physical measurements; standards, calibration, error estimation; static and dynamic performance of measuring systems; laboratory experience, experiment planning, report writing. The purpose of this course is for students to gain proficiency in designing, assembling, and operating an experiment; and analyzing and presenting experimental results. This encompasses skills such as an understanding control and data acquisition electronics, operation and limitation of modern sensors, calibration and error analysis, assessing applicability of theory and the impact of secondary experimental variables, and writing and presenting reports and analysis.

Prerequisite: PHYS 2426 and (MATH 3342 or 3345).

Co-requisite: SMTE 0099.  

Industrial Engineering Courses

IEEN 2302  Engineering Economics  
3 Semester Credit Hours (3 Lecture Hours)  

(3:0) Engineering management relies on the knowledge of engineering economics to be able to evaluate projects from a financial perspective. Optimizing financial performance of a project is a key responsibility of the engineer in the decision-making process. Examples of engineering projects would include but not limited to equipment replacement analysis, planning a new product line, and waste management. This course is designed to present engineering students the major concepts and techniques of engineering economic analysis that are needed in the decision-making process. The emphasis of this course is on the analytical analysis of money and its impact on decision making.

Prerequisite: MATH 2413.

IEEN 3302  Operations Research  
3 Semester Credit Hours (3 Lecture Hours)  

Introduction to operations research, linear programming, duality, other algorithms for linear programming, the transportation and assignment problems, dynamic programming, integer programming; offered: Fall and Spring.

Prerequisite: MATH 2414 and (MATH 3311* or MEEN 3310*).
* May be taken concurrently.

IEEN 3320  Human Factors  
3 Semester Credit Hours (3 Lecture Hours)  

The principles of the life sciences, engineering, and mathematics are applied to the investigation of existing and proposed socio-technical systems. Methods for the reduction of fatigue and human error are taught. Various fields of human factors and the fundamental concepts of the discipline are introduced. This course provides the basics of human perceptual, cognitive, and motor abilities relevant to human factors. This course also offers class project opportunities gain experience using human factors knowledge in actual applied settings. Offered: Fall and Spring.

Prerequisite: ENGR 1312.

Co-requisite: MATH 3342.  
IEEN 3324  Human Systems Interface  
3 Semester Credit Hours (3 Lecture Hours)  

The emphasis of this course is the design of the human-computer interface. The fundamental concepts of human-computer interaction and user centered design thinking are taught, through working in teams on an interaction design project, supported by lectures, readings, and discussions. The variety of evaluation methods and design principles of usable and appropriate computer interfaces are introduced based on psychological, social, and technical analysis. Topics will include usability and affordances, direct manipulation, systematic design methods, user conceptual models and interface metaphors, design languages and genres, human cognitive models, physical ergonomics, information and interactivity structures, and design tools and environments. Offered: Fall and Spring.

Prerequisite: ENGR 1312.

Co-requisite: IEEN 3320.  
IEEN 3330  Robotics and Automation  
3 Semester Credit Hours (3 Lecture Hours)  

This course covers topics of concepts, principles, and relationships of automated assembly devices, computer aided drafting/design (CADD), computer-aided manufacturing (CAM), industrial robots, numerical control (NC), industrial lasers, programmable logic controllers (PLCs), automated guided vehicles (AGVs), flexible manufacturing systems (FMS), and computer- integrated manufacturing (CIM). Offered: Fall and Spring.

Prerequisite: ENGR 2460.

IEEN 4310  Process Engineering  
3 Semester Credit Hours (3 Lecture Hours)  

This course covers introduction to software design paradigms, system and software requirements, computer aided software engineering, and software design fundamentals using existing documentation for a proposed system. Relevant topics include in-depth survey of data flow-oriented, object-oriented, data-oriented, and real-time design. Team project involving the implementation of the proposed system using structured programming, information hiding, and strength and coupling measures is required. Each student will be required to make an oral presentation as part of the team project. Offered: Fall.

Prerequisite: IEEN 3330.

IEEN 4312  Experimental Design and Analysis  
3 Semester Credit Hours (3 Lecture Hours)  

Main coverage: Basic principles of experimental design; Randomization; Completely randomized design; Paired design; Randomized blocks, Latin Squares, Greco-Latin Squares and related designs; Factorial design; Blocking in factorial design; 2k factorial design; Extension of 2k factorials; Blocking and confounding in 2k factorials; Partial confounding; Fractional factorial designs; Blocking in fractional factorials; Nested and split-plot designs; Replicated and un-replicated designs; Regression, ANOVA, and follow-up analysis; Sample size determination; Response surface model. Offered: Fall and Spring

Prerequisite: IEEN 3302 and 3320.

IEEN 4322  Cognitive Ergonomics  
3 Semester Credit Hours (3 Lecture Hours)  

This course is concerned with mental processes, such as perception, decision making, memory, reasoning, and response execution, as they affect interactions among humans and other elements of a work system. Relevant topics include skilled performance, attention, distraction, human error, work stress, risk perception, and Kansei engineering as these may relate to human-system design, safety and productivity. Assessment methodologies include hierarchical task analysis, cognitive task analysis, mental workload, human error identification/accident investigation, and situation awareness assessment. Offered: Fall.

Prerequisite: IEEN 3320.

IEEN 4324  Human Factors and Autonomous Systems  
3 Semester Credit Hours (3 Lecture Hours)  

This course introduces the survey of human factors and ergonomics with particular reference to human functions in human-machine systems and principles of human factors to demonstrate and apply a broad knowledge of various modern industrial engineering methods and tools associated with designing autonomous systems in manufacturing and other related fields. Applications of engineering design methods to represent, integrate and solve problems, including the ability to recognize problem context and integrate knowledge and skills appropriate sources are provided. Knowledge of basic human capabilities and the ways that these capabilities are taken into account in the design of human-machine systems and work environments.  Offered: Fall.

Prerequisite: IEEN 3320.

IEEN 4326  Airborne Design of Experiments  
3 Semester Credit Hours (3 Lecture Hours)  

Definitions, concepts, and history, Aviation Human Factors, management, and the organization, Human performance in aviation operations, Human information processing and operational decision-making, Human error and threat management, Threat and Error Management (TEM) in flight operations, air traffic control and cabin operations, Resource management training on the flight deck and in air traffic control, Automation in the workplace, The design of Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs) and checklists. Offered: Fall and Spring.

Prerequisite: IEEN 3302.

IEEN 4330  Digital Systems Simulation  
3 Semester Credit Hours (2 Lecture Hours, 2 Lab Hours)  

Introduction (definitions and types of simulations), Mechanism of discrete event simulation, Random number/variate generation, Input data analysis (input distribution modeling), Simulation modeling using Arena package, Review of probability and statistics, Simulation output analysis, Monte Carlo simulation, Modeling continuous processes, Verification and validation of simulation models, Read/write simulation data from/to external files. Offered: Fall and Spring.

Prerequisite: IEEN 3302.

IEEN 4332  Distribution Center Design and Operation  
3 Semester Credit Hours (3 Lecture Hours)  

Introduction (issues, equipment, processes), layout, order-picking, automation, special topics: crossdocking, warehouse performance. Offered: Fall and Spring.

Prerequisite: IEEN 3330.

IEEN 4334  Scheduling and Sequencing  
3 Semester Credit Hours (3 Lecture Hours)  

Introduction and overview, EOQ Models, MRP, job shop scheduling rules & Gantt chart, algorithms for one machine problems, implicit enumerations & dynamic program, branch and bound, heuristics approaches, project Scheduling, parallel Machine Scheduling, relaxation of Assumptions, batch processing, sequence dependence, project presentations. Offered: Fall and Spring.

Prerequisite: IEEN 3302.

IEEN 4342  Construction Management  
3 Semester Credit Hours (3 Lecture Hours)  

The course focuses on management techniques to solve the unique problems associated with a construction project. Study of Construction Management functions including Project Management, Cost Management, Time Management, Quality Management, Contract Administration, and Safety Management will be covered. Emphasis is put on the application of each function throughout the project phases.  Offering: Spring.

Prerequisite: IEEN 2302 and 3320.

IEEN 4396  Directed Independent Study  
1-3 Semester Credit Hours  

Requires a formal proposal of study to be completed in advance of registration, approval of supervising faculty and department chairperson. Offered Fall, Spring, and Summer.