Tuition, Fees & Financial Assistance

Tuition and Fees

Information on current tuition and fees can be viewed on the Business Office website.

Tuition and fees are pending approval and are subject to change.

Texas Residency

All students attending Texas A&M University-Corpus Christi who are non-residents of Texas will be charged additional tuition in accordance with State law.

In general, students will be classified as Texas residents if they meet one or more of the following criteria:

  1. Any individual who has resided in Texas from birth.
  2. Any individual 18 years of age or over who has come from outside Texas and who is gainfully employed in Texas for a 12-month period immediately preceding registration in any institution of higher learning.

Additionally, there are certain other circumstances under which an individual may be classified as a Texas resident. Residency status will be established according to the interpretations by the Texas Higher Education Coordinating Board pursuant to Title 19, Chapter 21, Section B of the Texas Education Code. The Coordinating Board rules on determining residency status.

Although classified as a non-resident, a member of the armed services who is assigned to duty in Texas is privileged to register at the Texas resident fee rate. This includes immediate family members.

Under State law, certain other categories of students may be eligible for tuition and fees exemptions or adjustments. See the semester class schedule for more information.

The responsibility of registering under the proper residence is placed upon the student. If there is any possible question of legal residence, the student should confer with the Office of the University Registrar of Texas A&M University-Corpus Christi and have such question settled prior to registration.

A non-Texas resident seeking to change residence status must fill out and submit to Graduate Admissions a Residency Status Questionnaire prior to registration. For more information about Texas Residency can be found at

Financial Obligations

Students are expected to pay all financial obligations to the University when due. Failure to pay such obligations may result in the student’s removal from the University, transcripts placed on hold, exclusion from final exams and graduation, and/or exclusion from further enrollment. Financial obligations include, but are not limited to, the following: returned checks; returned check charges; library fines, lost or damaged book charges, or replacement costs of long-overdue books; loss or breakage of instructional material or equipment; housing fees; meal plans; installment payments; parking fines; and repayment of financial aid loans and emergency loans.

All tuition and fee costs are due upon registration, and failure to pay may result in the loss of the student’s schedule. Registration is not completed until the University Business Office has received payment and all necessary documentation has been completed. Regardless of the type of deferral, the ultimate financial responsibility rests with the student. There will be a late payment fee of $50.00 assessed for students who pay after the deadline established by the University Business Office. An additional fee of $100.00 will be collected for registration reinstatement into classes lost after non-payment by the student. The University Business Office periodically performs audits on students’ accounts to verify that the proper amount of tuition and fees has been paid; this may result in additional charges or refunds.

Returned Checks

When students write checks to the University or submit payments online via Webcheck that are not honored by the bank, and are subsequently returned to the University, the individual who gave the check will be notified. Within seven days of such notification, the individual should pay the amount of the check plus a returned check charge of $30.00 to:

Business Office
Texas A&M University-Corpus Christi
6300 Ocean Drive Unit #5765
Corpus Christi, Texas 78412-5765

This may be done in person or by mail and must be in the form of cash, money order, or cashier’s check. The University will not accept a personal check in payment of a returned check.

Should a returned check not be paid within the allotted time, the individual will be subject to disciplinary action, including removal from the University, legal action as prescribed by law and payment of all collection fees. If an individual has written three (3) checks to the University that have been returned unpaid by their banking institution for any reason, the University will no longer accept checks from that individual.

Returned checks written for SandDollar accounts will result in the account being inactivated until the check and the returned check charge are paid in full.

Refund of Tuition and Fees

A student officially and completely withdrawing from the University during the semester may be subject to a refund of applicable tuition and fees according to the following scale:

10 Weeks or Longer Term:

  • 100% prior to the University’s first official class day of the semester
  • 80% during the first five class days of the semester
  • 70% during the second five class days of the semester
  • 50% during the third five class days of the semester
  • 25% during the fourth five class days of the semester
  • No refund thereafter

Less than 10 Weeks but Greater than 5 Weeks Term:

  • 100% prior to the University’s first official class day of the semester
  • 80% during the first three class days of the semester
  • 50% during the second three class days of the semester
  • No refund during the seventh class day and thereafter

5 Weeks or Less Term:

  • 100% prior to the University’s first official class day of the semester
  • 80% during the first class day of the semester
  • 50% during the second class day of the semester
  • No refund during the third class day and thereafter

The number of class days is counted from the first official class day of the University each semester, not the meeting days of a particular class.

For more information, contact the Business Office or go to and click on Important Dates.

The process to withdraw from the University begins in the Registrar's Office.

A student dropping a course or courses yet remaining enrolled in the University in other courses may apply for a refund of applicable tuition and fees as follows:

Ten Weeks or Longer Term:

  • 100% prior to and including 12th class day of the semester
  • No refund after 12th class day

Less than Ten Weeks but Greater than Five Weeks Term:

  • 100% prior to and including 4th class day of the semester
  • No refund after 4th class day

Five Week Summer Term:

  • 100% prior to and including 3rd class day of the semester
  • No refund after 3rd class day

2½ Half Week Summer Term:

  • 100% prior to and including 2nd class day semester
  • No refund after 2nd class day

For more information, contact the Business Office or go to and click on Important Dates.

The days of classes are counted from the first official class day of the University each term, not the first meeting day of a particular class.

After an audit of all fees has been made, the refund process will begin. This process requires a reasonable length of time. No refunds are given on audited courses.

Students using the Installment Payment Plan who withdraw from the institution will have the refund, if any, calculated based on the total amount of tuition and fees due at the time of registration, not the amount of tuition and fees paid at the time of withdrawal.

Students with financial aid who withdraw may be subject to the federal refunding timetable and rates. Students should consult with the Financial Aid Office about their situation before withdrawing.

BankMobile and Refunds

A refund will occur when a credit balance remains on each student’s Business Office account after all charges are paid. A credit balance may occur due to overpayments, dropped courses, withdrawals or financial aid (loans, scholarships, grants, etc…). Refunds are issued to the students by BankMobile. A new student, upon registration, will receive in the mail, from BankMobile, a Refund Selection Kit along with refund preference instructions. BankMobile will use the Billing Address on file with the University to send this correspondence to the student. It is important that this address is current. The Refund Selection Kit will contain a personal code which is used to make your refund selection preference with BankMobile. Once it arrives, you’ll simply login to S.A.I.L, select Student, Student Account and Student Refunds to select your refund preference.  The three preferences are:

  1. Direct Deposit into a bank account of their choice,
  2. Opening a BankMobile Vibe Account or
  3. Paper Check.

If the student does not make a refund selection preference, BankMobile will not be able to process the refund.

New students will begin the process of receiving their Refund Selection Kit approximately 5-9 business days after registration. If a student does not receive their Refund Selection Kit they should contact the Business Office at 361-825-2600.

Fees for Multiple Repeats of a Course

The State of Texas will not provide funds to state institutions of higher education for semester credit hours related to a course in which a student is enrolled for the third time. Therefore, as permitted by state law, the University will charge additional fees to a student who registers for a course for the third time or more. The fee will be $100 per semester credit hour for such courses. The courses counted toward the limitation include all hours attempted by the student except: Thesis, Dissertation, Individual Music Lessons, Theater Practicum, Music Performance, Ensembles, Studio Art, certain P.E. and Kinesiology courses, Independent Study (topic changes), Special Topics (topic changes), and Developmental Education (not to exceed 18 semester credit hours).

Methods of Payment

The methods of payment that are accepted by the Business Office include cash, checks, credit/debit cards, installment payment plans and emergency loans. Installment payment plans and emergency loans are discussed below. For information on payment by check or credit/debit card, see the Business Office website or call (361) 825-2600.

Installment Payment Plan (Fall and Spring Only)

An installment payment plan is available to most students under the provisions of Section 54.007 of the Texas Education Code. The University offers an option to pay by installments: a  four-payment plan (25% prior to the start of the semester with three more payments during the semester of 25%). Subsequent installment payments should be made directly through S.A.I.L or to the Business Office. A nonrefundable processing fee of $20.00 will be charged and a late fee of $25.00 will be added to each installment not received by the due date.

Students utilizing the installment option must execute an electronic agreement which sets forth the conditions and repayment schedule of the payment plan selected. Under the provisions of the installment payment option in the law, a student who fails to make full payment of tuition and fees, including any incidental fees, by the due date may be prohibited from registering for classes until full payment is made. A student who fails to make payment prior to the end of the semester (last class day) may be denied credit for work done that semester.

Students who register for classes and wish to use an Installment Payment Plan must sign up online though the SAIL website at More information about Installment Payment Plans can be found on the Business Office website.

Emergency Loans

Short-term emergency loans are available to students who need assistance in covering tuition and fees and books. Funds are limited and will be provided on a first-come, first-served basis to eligible applicants. Information on eligibility requirements and the application process can be found on the Business Office website. There is a non-refundable processing fee of $25.00 per loan. A late payment fee of $25 will be added to each loan that is not paid in full by the due date.


Information on current tuition and fees can be found at the Business Office website.

Fees for Proctored Exams

Courses may require the use of exam-proctoring involving third party charges. Exam-proctoring charges may range from $1 - $50.00 per exam. Students may be required to schedule exams at least 24 hours in advance or incur late scheduling charges. All costs for exams are the responsibility of the student. Students may also be responsible for providing webcams to be used in test proctoring.

Parking Fees

All students who park their vehicles on campus lots, including the lots at the housing complexes, must obtain a permit to park in the designated areas. The University Police Department implements and enforces the parking regulations. Information on costs of parking permits and access to the TAMUCC Parking Portal can be found on the University Police Department website at

Designated Tuition

Information on current tuition and fees can be found on the Business Office website.

Graduate Student Tuition

Information on current tuition and fees can be found on the Business Office website.

Lifetime Learning Tax Credits

Go to for information about Hope and Lifetime Learning tax credits. The Business Office mails out 1098-T forms to students by January 31st for the preceding calendar year.

Financial Assistance

Programs to assist students and parents in financing an education at Texas A&M University-Corpus Christi are administered by the Office of Student Financial Assistance. Students may apply for financial assistance through the submission of a financial aid application.

Eligibility for the majority of financial aid programs is determined through a financial needs analysis. This analysis is made after the student completes and submits a Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) or Texas Application for Student Financial Assistance (TASFA). Before a graduate student can be considered for financial aid, the student must:

  1. be officially admitted to the University
  2. be working toward a degree and classified by the Office of Research and Graduate Studies as degree-seeking
  3. be enrolled at least half-time (5 semester hours during a long semester or 3 hours during summer term)
  4. Graduate students enrolled in a cooperative education (co-op) experience will be allowed fewer than the required hours to be considered full-time
  5. Graduate students enrolled in mini-term online courses will be allowed fewer, than the required, hours to be considered at least half-time (3 hours per term)
  6. meet the deadlines set by the Office of Student Financial Assistance
  7. not be in default or owe a refund on any Title IV grant(s) or loan(s)
  8. provide proof of eligibility if not a citizen of the United States
  9. provide documents that support information reported on applications for financial aid
  10. meet minimum G.P.A. requirements of a 3.0 and maintain satisfactory academic progress as required for financial aid eligibility to fulfill federal requirements

Financial aid programs available to graduate students include Federal College Work Study, Texas Public Educational Grant (resident and non-resident), several Federal Loan programs, and various scholarships.

Federal Loans are distributed in two disbursements in accordance with federal regulations. If the student is receiving a loan for one term, the first disbursement will be at the beginning of the semester and the second after the midpoint of the semester. A loan that covers both fall and spring terms will result in a disbursement at the beginning of each semester.

Most financial aid programs have a limited amount of funds, which must be granted on a first-completed, first-awarded basis. Therefore, students are strongly encouraged to have their financial aid files completed by February 15th for summer only terms, by January 15th if applying for assistance for both fall and spring, or by November 1 if applying for assistance for spring only.

Application forms and detailed instructions on applying for financial aid are available through the Office of Student Financial Assistance and at:

The Office of Student Financial Assistance does not administer graduate assistantships.

Satisfactory Academic Progress Policy

The Higher Education Act of 1965, as amended, mandates that institutions of higher education establish policies to monitor the academic progress of students who apply for and/or receive federal financial assistance. Texas A&M University-Corpus Christi applies its minimum standards to all federal, state, and institutional financial assistance programs in order to maintain a consistent policy for all financial assistance applicants. Though this policy establishes the minimum standards for all financial assistance programs at A&M-Corpus Christi, an individual aid program may have unique qualitative and/or quantitative standards specific to the program as mandated by law or the program’s governing entity. Examples include Academic Scholarships and University Scholarships.

To be awarded or receive any financial assistance, a student must be admitted to the University in good academic standing, be enrolled in credit courses leading toward a degree, teaching certificate, or other eligible certificate program and maintain satisfactory academic progress in the course of study pursued. This policy is consistently applied to all enrollment periods regardless of whether or not the student received aid. The official Satisfactory Academic Progress (SAP) Policy can be viewed here

Minimum Standards of Satisfactory Academic Progress

At the end of each academic year (spring semester), students must show satisfactory progress toward a degree or certificate based on the following elements:

  1. Academic Standards
  2. Maximum Frame for Degree/Certificate Completion
  3. Successful Credit Hour Completion Rate

Academic Standards

Students must maintain the following cumulative grade point average to retain financial aid eligibility:

Graduate Students
3.0 Cumulative GPA

Maximum Attempted Hours for Degree/Certificate Completion

For financial assistance purposes, students enrolled in graduate degree or certification programs that require 36 semester hours will be limited to 54 attempted hours to complete their program.

Students enrolled in graduate programs that exceed 36 required hours will have their maximum attempted hours status evaluated on a case-by-case basis

Attempted hours include all transfer hours and all registered hours at A&M-Corpus Christi per semester whether or not the student earns a grade, receives credit, or received financial assistance. The following are considered hours attempted, but not completed/earned:

  • Grades of F or NC
  • I or incomplete
  • W or withdrawal from courses

The following are considered hours attempted and successfully completed/earned:

Grades of A, B, C, D, CR, and IP

Successful Credit Hour Completion Rate

Students must successfully complete/earn a minimum of 67% of all attempted semester credit hours. Note: All partial credit hours will be rounded down to the nearest hour.


  1. If a student attempts (registers for) 18 credit hours in an academic year, the student must complete a minimum of 12 credit hours (18 x 67% = 12) in order to meet the requirements for satisfactory academic progress for the year.
  2. If at the end of the second year, a student has attempted 36 hours, the student must have completed a minimum of 24 credit hours (36 x 67% = 24) to meet the standards for satisfactory academic progress.

Review Policy

At the end of each spring semester, the Office of Student Financial Assistance will review the progress of each financial assistance recipient to determine eligibility for aid consideration for the upcoming academic year.

Financial Assistance Suspension Policy

If it is determined that a student does not meet the minimum satisfactory academic progress requirements, the student will automatically be placed on financial assistance suspension and will be notified accordingly. Students on financial assistance suspension are not eligible for any type of federal, state, or institutional aid.

Note: Students on scholastic suspension/dismissal or enforced withdrawal will also be placed on financial assistance suspension.

Conditions for Reinstatement

Students may attend the next semester/term at A&M-Corpus Christi without financial assistance to reinstate eligibility. If, at the end of the semester/term, the student again meets the minimum satisfactory academic progress standards, the student may submit a written request to the Office of Student Financial Assistance to have his or her application for aid reinstated for the next and subsequent semesters/terms of the current academic year. Continued eligibility for the next academic year will be determined again at the end of the spring semester during the regular review process.

Appeal Policy

Students who fail to maintain satisfactory progress due to extenuating circumstances may submit an application for appeal to be reviewed by the Aid Appeals Committee. To appeal for reinstatement of financial assistance eligibility, students must complete and submit the Request for Appeal form to the Office of Student Financial Assistance. A completed appeal application includes a letter and supporting documentation providing a detailed explanation of the extenuating circumstances, such as personal injury or medical problems, illness or death of an immediate family member, etc. In addition, if a student has exceeded the maximum attempted hours and is appealing based on a change of major, the student should state the reason for the change and indicate the number of hours remaining to be taken in the new major. Supporting documentation from the student's academic advisor may be requested to support the appeal.

If the appeal is approved by the Aid Appeals Committee, financial aid will be continued as if the student is otherwise eligible. If denied, the student may request a second appeal to the Administrative Appeals Committee. The decision of the Administrative Appeals Committee is final. 

All students (approved or denied) will be reviewed again for continued eligibility at the end of the academic year during the regular review process.

Refund and Repayment Policies

Students who register and then withdraw from their classes at the University will have their aid recalculated based on the number of days they attended class. If a student withdraws from all classes prior to the first class day, the student may be required to repay any and all financial assistance received. Students should consult the Satisfactory Academic Progress Policy to determine if their withdrawal will affect future aid eligibility.


Students interested in applying for graduate scholarships may contact the Office of Research and Graduate Studies for information. It is also important that students actively seek information through their specific colleges or departments, including information on deadlines and requirements.

A non-resident U.S. citizen or international student who is a recipient of a competitive University scholarship may be eligible for the Texas resident tuition rate. The student must have competed with other students, including Texas residents, for the scholarship. Contact the Office of Research and Graduate Studies website for more information,

Emergency Loans

Short-term emergency loans are available to students who need assistance in covering tuition and fees and school-related expenses such as books. Detailed information regarding eligibility requirements and the application process can be found in the Business Office.

Veterans Educational Benefits

Office of Military and Veterans Services

The mission of the Texas A&M University-Corpus Christi Office of Military and Veterans Services is to assist service members, veterans, and dependents in receiving entitled educational benefits and in achieving educational goals. The Office of Military and Veterans Services strives to assist active-duty service members and veterans with the transition from military to academic life. For more information on military educational benefits, please call (361) 825-2331 or visit our web site

Enrollment Certification

Certifications for veterans’ educational benefits are submitted to the Department of Veterans Affairs, Muskogee, OK. Please visit the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs for information on eligibility requirements, applications and forms, and updates on the following benefits:

  • Chapter 30 Montgomery GI Bill ® – Active-Duty Educational Assistance Program
  • Chapter 1607 Reserve Educational Assistance Program (REAP)
  • Chapter 33 Post 9/11 Veterans Educational Assistance Act of 2008
  • Chapter 1606 Montgomery GI Bill ® Selected Reserve
  • Chapter 31 Vocational Rehabilitation and Employment Program
  • Chapter 32 Post-Vietnam Era Veterans’ Educational Assistance Program (VEAP)
  • Chapter 35 Survivors’ and Dependents’ Educational Assistance Program

The applicant must provide a Certificate of Eligibility (COE) from the Dept. of Veterans Affairs showing the benefit has been awarded. A Request for Certification is required each term for certification and provides the VA Certifying Official with authorization to submit an enrollment certification on behalf of the student. Students must notify the Office of Military and Veterans Services of any enrollment changes, to include: added or dropped courses, withdrawals, or change of major. A degree plan from the academic advisor is required for the veteran’s file. Texas A&M University-Corpus Christi does not participate in the VA Advance Payment Program.

Hazlewood Exemption

In accordance with the Texas Education Code, Section 54.203, Texas veterans and eligible dependents must apply for benefits under the Hazlewood Act or the Hazlewood Legacy Act each term. An exemption of tuition and fees, with the exception of the student services fee, is granted per term for Hazlewood eligible students, up to 150 cumulative credit hours. Students must submit the application, an original, certified, or notarized copy of the veteran’s discharge papers (VA Form DD-214 member 4 copy), and other qualifying documentation, and a letter from the Muskogee, Oklahoma VA Regional Processing Office stating that they have exhausted federal veterans’ educational benefits. The Hazlewood file must be completed, and the exemption requested by the census date per term. The number of credit hours a student is registered for on the census date of a given term is the number of Hazlewood credit hours reported for the term to the Texas Higher Education Coordinating Board.

Training Time

For information on enrollment status requirements for students receiving financial assistance, administered through the Office of Financial Assistance, please review that section of the catalog. The criteria for enrollment status of students receiving financial assistance and training time for Department of Veterans Affairs benefits may differ. Please contact the Office of Military and Veterans Services to determine training time criteria for the various summer terms.

Graduate Assistantships

There are two types of graduate assistants at Texas A&M University-Corpus Christi: graduate teaching assistants and, graduate research assistants. Students interested in serving as graduate assistants should contact the coordinator of their graduate program to check availability. Graduate students interested in becoming teaching assistants in the First-Year Seminar Program should contact the Co-Directors of the University Core Curriculum Program for information. Graduate assistants receive an assistantship, which helps them finance their graduate studies.

Any student serving as a graduate assistant with a 50% FTE appointment during a regular semester (fall or spring) must be enrolled for at least 6 hours of graduate-level coursework in that semester. Individual programs may have additional credit hour requirements. Any student serving as a graduate assistant with a 50% FTE appointment during the summer must be enrolled for at least 3 hours of graduate level coursework during the combined summer terms. Any exceptions to these rules must have the approval of the Graduate Dean.

Teaching assistants must meet the enrollment requirements in the previous paragraph and are expected to make steady progress toward the completion of an advanced degree. Any exceptions to this rule must have the approval of the Graduate Dean.

Non-resident or international students holding a 50% FTE graduate assistantship receive instate tuition and fees at the rate charged to Texas residents for the semester in which they hold the assistantship appointment.