STAGES: Society-Targeted Approach in Graduate Environmental Science, Graduate and Graduate Doctoral Certificate

Program Description

The Certificate in STAGES: Society-Targeted Approach in Graduate Environmental Science is designed to provide students with a solid foundation in applied statistical and analytical methods in environmental and natural sciences that will prepare them to work in various fields related to environmental science. The STAGES certificate is also designed to integrate all community partners (federal, state, local, industry, non-profit, and grassroots organizations) into the student’s research projects to encourage research products that are of immediate interest and use to the community. Candidates are required to complete 15 credit hours, including up to 12 hours of required courses that satisfy core and/or elective requirements in their respective degree programs and 3 project research hours guided by a community partner.  All students admitted into the STAGES certificate program must meet the graduate admission requirements for TAMU-CC and must satisfy all prerequisites for courses in the certificate program.  Students working toward a graduate degree in coastal and marine system science, marine biology, and environmental science may obtain this certificate while completing their MS or PhD degrees, but this may require completing more coursework than required for the graduate degree.  Transfer credit for some required courses may be considered, as may credit for previous experience.  Students are expected to meet all other academic standards.  Students must apply for the certificate and complete a Certificate Plan approved by their faculty advisor, their program coordinator, and the CMSS program coordinator or a designee.

Admissions Requirements

Must have and maintain a GPA of 3.0 or better.

The STAGES certificate is open to:

  1. All College of Science and College of Engineering and Computer Science graduate students, but it may be of particular interest to graduate students in coastal and marine system science, environmental science, and marine biology. With the application of courses toward core and elective degree requirements, coastal and marine system science, environmental science, and marine biology students will have at most 2 additional courses beyond their degree plans to obtain the STAGES certificate.  For graduate students in chemistry, mathematics, and geographical information science the courses in addition to their degree plans would be much greater due to the prescribed nature of their degree plans.
  2. TAMU-CC undergraduate students that are on a Fast Track BS to MS.
  3. Students who have previously completed B.S. and/or M.S. degrees at TAMU-CC or elsewhere and who wish to obtain a certificate (post-baccalaureate).

Program Requirements

Required Courses (15 Semester Hours)
CMSS 6321Big Data Blitz3
Pick two from the following (6 hours):6
Environmental Forecasting
Computer Programming in Earth System Sciences
Statistical Methods in Research I
Pick one according to degree plan (3 hours):3
Thesis Research
Thesis Project Research
Dissertation Project Research
Directed Research
Project Research
Master's Project Research
Dissertation Project Research
Elective Course (3 hours) - Take one course outside of the primary research focus from the following or another approved course outside of primary research focus:3
Advanced Environmental Chemistry
Advanced Environmental Chemistry
Chemical Oceanography
Chemical Oceanography
Stable Isotope Biogeochemistry
Stable Isotope Biogeochemistry
Coastal and Marine Systems
Environmental and Geological Applications of GIS
Environmental and Geological Applications of GIS
Environmental and Geological Applications of GIS
Fundamentals of Physical Oceanography
Advanced Geophysics
Advanced Hydrogeology
Oceans and Human Health
Biodiversity and Conservation
Total Hours15