General Academic Policies and Regulations
Student Responsibility
University personnel may assist students in progressing toward the degree that they are seeking. However, the final and ultimate responsibility for understanding and following the degree requirements rests with the students themselves. Each student is held responsible for knowing degree requirements, for enrolling in courses that fit into degree programs, and for taking courses in the proper sequence to ensure orderly progression of work. The student must seek advice about degree requirements and other University rules when necessary. The student is held responsible for knowing and abiding by University requirements regarding the standard of work required to continue in the University, as well as those dealing with academic integrity, scholastic probation, enforced withdrawal, suspension, and dismissal. Additionally, the student is expected to comply with the rules and processes in the Student Code of Conduct, which is administered by the Office of Student Conduct & Advocacy. The Student Code of Conduct is accessible at
Students admitted to the University may register for course work. See the admission classification system in the “Admissions” chapter of the catalog for limits. Former graduate students who have been inactive for two years or more must reapply for admission to the Graduate Admissions prior to the term of re-enrollment. Note that some programs may require re-application after only a one-year leave of absence. Doctoral students must remain continuously enrolled. See the Continuous Enrollment and Leave of Absence policy for more information. Specific information regarding dates, registration materials, and course offerings may be found in the class schedule for each term (published during the preceding term). Students must register by the specified deadlines for the term in order to be eligible to receive course credit. Registration requires payment of tuition and fees. See “Tuition, Fees, and Financial Assistance”
Non-Credit Admission (Auditing)
A student may attend classes for a course without receiving credit if the student completes an application for admission, submits a Course Audit Form at the time of registration and has the permission of both the instructor of the course and the dean of the college in which the course is offered. The fee is the same as that required for registration for credit, but no credit will be awarded, no records will be kept and the student may be restricted from lab work and tests. A student will not be given permission to audit a course until the first day of classes. Students may not change from credit to audit status after the 12th class day during a long semester or after the 4th class day during the summer. No refunds are given on audits. Senior citizens (over 65) may audit on a space available basis only with all fees exempted except material or field trip fees. Under no circumstance may audit be converted to credit.
Unit of Credit
One semester hour is defined as the amount of credit given for one class hour a week for one semester or 15 class hours per semester.
Transfer Credit Equivalencies
For purposes of transfer, and for calculation of the grade point average of an applicant for graduate admission, work taken on a trimester system will be converted to semester hours on a 1 to 1 basis. In the event that the work was taken on a class hour basis, 15 class hours will be equated to 1 semester hour. For conversion from quarter hours to semester hours, Texas A&M University-Corpus Christi has established the following equivalencies:
Quarter hours | Semester hours |
1 | 0.7 |
2 | 1.3 |
3 | 2.0 |
4 | 2.7 |
5 | 3.3 |
6 | 4.0 |
This University will use the summation of the individual course equivalencies from the transferring institution to compute grade point average for admission purposes and/or credits earned.
Enrollment Status
Enrollment status for graduate students is defined below.
Enrollment Status | Semester Credit Hours Required |
Full-time graduate student: | Fall or spring term = 9 hours |
Combined summer terms = 6 hours | |
Three-quarter-time graduate student: | Fall or spring term = 7 hours |
Combined summer terms = 5 hours | |
Half-time graduate student: | Fall or spring term = 5 hours |
Combined summer terms = 3 hours |
For information on enrollment status requirements for graduate students receiving financial assistance administered through the Office of Student Financial Assistance, see the “Tuition, Fees, and Financial Assistance” section of the catalog. For rules applying to veterans benefits, see “Veterans Educational Benefits.”
Exceptions to Full Time Enrollment Minimums
Students may be certified as full time with fewer than the required hours under the following circumstances:
- Enrollment in thesis or dissertation preparation course;
- Participation in an authorized cooperative education (co-op) experience;
- Participation in an approved internship/practicum/clinical that is equivalent to a full-time course load;
- Enrollment in student teaching course sections;
- Presence of a documented disability that mandates a reduced course load; or
- Enrollment in required language institute hours that, in combination with the student’s regular TAMUCC hours, constitute a full-time course load.
Note: These exceptions may not apply to a student’s eligibility for certain types of financial aid. Enrollment reporting for student loan repayment purposes will be reported as actual hours enrolled. Cooperative education students are reported at full time for student loan repayment purposes. For information on enrollment status requirements for graduate students receiving financial assistance administered through the Office of Student Financial Assistance, see the “Tuition, Fees, and Financial Assistance” section of the catalog. For rules applying to veterans benefits, see “Veterans Educational Benefits.”
In most cases, international students are eligible for the same exceptions to full time requirements; however, all international students requesting an exception to full time requirements must have their request approved in the Office of International Education (OIE). Students who are not U.S. Citizens but who are permanent U.S. residents (VISA Type = IM) are not required to clear with OIE on enrollment exceptions.
Course Numbers
Each course number includes a four-letter prefix (identifying the discipline or subject) and a four-digit number. The first digit indicates the level of the course. The second digit usually indicates the credit hour value of the course. The final digits are sequence numbers. A list of course prefixes may be found in Appendix B.
Courses numbered in the 1000 and 2000 series are lower-division (freshman or sophomore) courses.
Courses numbered in the 3000 and 4000 series are upper-division (junior or senior) courses. Courses numbered 5000 or higher are graduate courses.
Courses at the 5000 level are open only to students with graduate status and senior undergraduates who meet specific criteria. Courses at the 6000 level are open only to students admitted to a doctoral program or graduate students who meet specific criteria.
Courses of Instruction
All graduate courses offered at Texas A&M University-Corpus Christi are listed in the Course Descriptions section of this catalog. Although the lists of courses are based on the best information available at the time of catalog preparation, course offerings are subject to change without notice. This catalog was prepared well in advance of its effective date; therefore, changes may occur in course content or availability. Some new courses and modified courses are included in this catalog pending their approval by the Texas Higher Education Coordinating Board.
When registering for courses, students should consult the semester class schedule, a separate online publication that provides specific course offering information for a particular semester or session. The class schedule is made available online before the registration period for each term.
Adding or Dropping a Course
A student may add a course during the time specified in the class schedule. To add a course the student must obtain a Class Scheduling Form from the Office of the University Registrar.
The grade of W will be assigned to any student officially dropping a course by the date stated in the class schedule (end of the tenth week of classes in the fall and spring semesters and end of the third week during summer sessions). No student is eligible to receive a W without completing the official drop process by this deadline. After the drop date listed in the class schedule, a student will not be allowed to drop a course. A change of section or a change to or from audit is a change of registration and requires that the add/drop process be followed.
Students should be aware that dropping courses may affect their eligibility for financial assistance and other benefits.
If a student should drop all courses for a given semester or term, a Withdrawal Form must be processed. Refer to the following paragraph.
Withdrawal from the University
A student who finds it necessary to withdraw from the University during a session must file a Withdrawal Form in the Office of the University Registrar. The deadline for withdrawing from the University is the day before the last day of classes during a long semester (fall or spring), and the day before final examinations during a summer sessions. Failure to file a Withdrawal Form can result in grades of “F” in courses in progress.
A student who withdraws from the University according to procedures stipulated for withdrawal will be allowed a grace period to rescind the withdrawal. A student may rescind a withdrawal no later than the end of the second University business day following the date of withdrawal. The date of reinstatement must be among the regular days of classes. Days of final examinations and thereafter are specifically excluded.
Should space no longer be available in a class, the student must secure the approval of the dean and/or instructor before reinstatement in class is allowed.
All indebtedness to the University must be satisfied prior to the reinstatement.
Reinstatement must be requested in writing by the student on a form provided by the University Registrar. All documentation and requirements for the reinstatement must be filed with the University Registrar by the end of the second business day (following the withdrawal), or else the reinstatement will not occur.
Students receiving veterans benefits for education should contact the Office of Veterans Affairs for specific policies concerning drops and withdrawals. These changes have a direct effect on VA benefits.
Withdrawal of Students Called to Active Duty
Section 54.006 of the Texas Education Code states:
Beginning with the summer semester of 1990, if a student withdraws from an institution of higher education because the student is called to active military service, the institution, at the student’s option, shall
- refund the tuition and fees paid by the student for the semester in which the student withdraws;
- grant a student who is eligible under the institution’s guidelines, an incomplete grade in all courses by designating “withdrawn-military” on the student’s transcript; or
- as determined by the instructor, assign an appropriate final grade or credit to a student who has satisfactorily completed a substantial amount of coursework and who has demonstrated sufficient mastery of the course material.
Retroactive Withdrawal
A student may request that all grades in an academic period be retroactively removed and replaced by entries of “W” on their transcript. A retroactive withdrawal may be granted only when a student has experienced circumstances of such serious and compelling nature that the student could not reasonably have been expected to satisfactorily complete the academic period or submit a petition for regular withdrawal by the deadline specified in the University catalog. Such serious and compelling circumstances may include (but are not limited to) hospitalization, incarceration, debilitating mental illness, or sudden absence at the end of the semester due to family crisis. Failure to academically perform due to factors such as bad habits, poor judgment, time management issues, failed relationships, roommate conflicts, or ignorance of University policies would not generally qualify a student for a retroactive withdrawal.
To withdraw retroactively from the University, the student must request this action in writing through the Office of the University Registrar via an online appeal form that will be reviewed by the appeals committee. The appeal must be accompanied by supporting documents which demonstrate serious and compelling reasons why action was not taken through the regular withdrawal process during the academic period in question. The time limit for submitting this appeal is the end of the next long semester following the academic period in question; requests that extend past this period will be denied.
If retroactive administrative withdrawal is granted, the Office of the University Registrar will set all grades for the relevant term to a non-punitive mark of “W.” If the student should wish to appeal a decision on retroactive withdrawal, an appeal can be made, in writing, to the Associate Vice President-University Registrar within 14 days of the date of notification. The decision of the Associate Vice President-University Registrar is final.
Class Attendance
Students are responsible for class attendance and are advised that excessive absences may adversely affect their grades. Every instructor should make clear the policy on class attendance in the course syllabus and at the beginning of each course.
If students are absent from class on approved University business (e.g., intercollegiate athletics competition/travel, field trips, student research conferences, Board of Regents meetings), faculty members should count this as an excused absence and should not penalize the student for it. Students should be allowed to make up any required course work in advance or after their return to campus. Students are responsible for informing their instructors about the trip in advance so that the faculty members can make plans accordingly. If any doubt exists as to whether the activity in question is considered official University business, contact the Provost’s Office.
Student Absences on Religious Holy Days
In accordance with Texas Education Code 51.911, Texas A&M University-Corpus Christi will excuse a student from attending classes or other required activities, including examinations, for the observance of a religious holy day, including travel for that purpose. A student whose absence is excused for observance of a religious holy day may not be penalized for that absence and shall be allowed to take an examination or complete an assignment from which the student is excused within a reasonable time after the absence.
Texas Education Code, Section 51.911 defines a religious holy day as a holy day observed by a religion whose places of worship are exempt from property taxation under Section 11.20, Tax Code. If a student and an instructor disagree that the absence is for the observance of a religious holy day, or if there is similar disagreement about whether the student has been given a reasonable time to complete any missed assignments or examinations, either the student or the instructor may request a ruling from the Provost. The student and instructor shall abide by the decision of the Provost.
If a student’s academic course work includes patient care, the University may exclude from these policies and procedures any student absence for religious holy days that may interfere with patient care.
The letter grades used for graduate work are the same as those used in undergraduate work (A, B, C, D, and F). Graduate credit is allowed only for courses completed with grades of A, B, and C, although grades of D and F are used in computing grade point averages. Programs may place limits on the number of Cs that are allowed for graduate credit. Grade points per semester hour are noted below:
Grade | Interpretation | Grade Points per Semester Hour1 |
A | Excellent | 4 |
B | Good | 3 |
C | Average | 2 |
D | Passing | 1 |
F | Failure; work not passed | 0 |
Other grades for courses are reported by the symbols below:
Grade | Descriptions |
CR1 | Satisfactory, but without qualitative grading. See “Credit/No Credit Grading.” |
NC1 | No credit. |
S1 | Satisfactory. Applicable to specified graduate courses. |
U1 | Unsatisfactory. Applicable to specified graduate courses. |
UP1 | Unsatisfactory. Applicable to specified graduate courses. |
I1 | Incomplete. An incomplete notation may be given to a student who is passing but has not completed a term paper, examination, or other required work for reasons beyond the student’s control other than lack of time. |
IM1 | Incomplete-Military. An “IM” notation may be given to a student who is called to active military service and who consequently cannot continue attending class. In order for this notation to be given, the student must be passing the course, must have completed a significant portion of the course work, and must have the approval of the instructor. |
IP1 | Assigned to a remedial course or a thesis/dissertation course indicating that at the conclusion of the semester the course was still in progress. This is a permanent notation that does not affect grade point average. To receive a qualitative grade, the student must register for the same course in the subsequent semester, paying the appropriate tuition and fees. |
W1 | Course dropped or withdrawal from the University. Automatically given, regardless of the student’s standing in class, when a student officially withdraws from the University or drops a course prior to the deadline as indicated in the class schedule. See “Adding or Dropping a Course” and “Withdrawal from the University” in this catalog. |
WP1 | Withdrawal pass. Before the fall semester of 1996, this grade was assigned to a student who dropped a course or withdrew between designated dates in the semester or summer term and was passing the course at the time of the withdrawal. Grades of WP assigned before fall 1996 will remain on the transcript. |
WF1 | Withdrawal failure. Before fall 1996, this grade was assigned to a student who dropped a course or withdrew between designated dates in the semester or summer term and was failing the course at the time of withdrawal. Grades of WF assigned before fall 1996 will remain on the transcript. |
- 1
CR, NC, S, U, UP, I, IM, IP, W, WP grades are not counted in computing the GPA. A grade of WF assigned before the fall semester of 1996 is counted in computing the GPA.
For a grade of W to be assigned, a student must officially withdraw from the course or University through the Office of the University Registrar. The receipt from the Office of the University Registrar should be kept as proof of withdrawal. If a student discontinues attending a class, fails to officially withdraw, and does not qualify for an “I,” a qualitative grade (A-F) will be assigned.
If no grade is submitted by an instructor, a temporary notation (XX) will be placed on the student’s records. In such cases, the course grade must be submitted within 30 days from the beginning of the next semester. If the instructor does not or is unable to submit the grade within 30 days, the Dean in consultation with faculty will submit the course grade.
Calculation of Grade Point Average
Texas A&M University-Corpus Christi uses a 4.0 scale for calculation of Grade Point Average (GPA). GPA is determined by dividing the total number of grade points earned by the number of semester credit hours taken for a qualitative grade (A=4, B=3, C=2, D=1, F=0).
A minimum grade point average of 3.0 is required in all graduate work taken and in the program of study at the University. Specific academic Programs may require a higher grade point average. Only grades earned at this University will be used to calculate the Texas A&M University-Corpus Christi grade point average as used in determination of eligibility for graduation.
Grades are made available to students at the end of each grading period at or by calling 825-7245 or 1-877-825-7245.
Change of Grade
A change of grade (among the values A, B, C, D, F) may occur only if there has been an error in computation or recording of the grade or if a change has been ordered as a result of the grade appeal process. A grade may not be changed because of consideration of work completed following the end of the grading period for which the grade was issued. If not associated with the grade appeal process, a grade change is initiated by the instructor of record and approved by the Dean of the college of record. In rare circumstances, the approval of the Provost may be required. To be valid, a grade change must be submitted to the University Registrar on or before the last day of the next regular semester following the term in which the grade was originally issued, and on the form provided for that purpose.
Grade Appeal Process
As stated in University Procedure 13.02.99.C0.03, Student Grade Appeals, students who believe that they have not been held to appropriate academic standards as outlined in the class syllabus, equitable evaluation procedures, or appropriate grading, may appeal the final grade given in the course. The burden of proof is upon the student to demonstrate the appropriateness of the appeal.
The faculty member for the class is the primary authority with respect to a student’s proficiency and final grade in that course. Presentation of the grievance to the faculty member is an informal process that precedes the formal appeal. A student with a complaint about a grade must, before beginning the formal process, discuss the matter with faculty member unless the faculty member is, for any reason, unavailable. If the problem cannot be resolved at this level, the student may take the steps below:
- Written appeal to department chair. This step must be taken no later than twenty (20) business days after the start of the next long semester.
- Normally, the department chair will consult with the student and the faculty member within five (5) business days to attempt a successful resolution of the appeal. If successful, the department chair will issue a written statement of the findings and any actions agreed to.
- If no satisfactory resolution can be found as agreed upon by the faculty member, department chair, and student, the department chair will refer the matter, normally within five (5) business days, to the associate dean for a hearing by the CGAC. The department chair will issue to the student, faculty member, and associate dean of the college a written statement of findings indicating that this stage of the appeal process is complete.
- If the faculty member in the case is the department chair, their role as described above, will be assumed by the appropriate college associate dean.
- The Associate Dean will schedule a hearing before the College Grade Appeal Committee (CGAC) normally within twenty (20) business days. The case will be heard at a time and place that does not conflict with class schedules of the student and faculty member involved. If the hearing is set with the concurrence of the parties and the student or faculty member cannot attend, the hearing may proceed as scheduled.
- The chair of a CGAC will preside at the hearing, maintain orderly proceedings, and ensure that all parties receive a fair hearing. The CGAC will review all information presented and hear all parties to the case. Both the faculty member and student shall be present at the same time during the formal hearing.
- All parties to the hearing may be accompanied by another person in an advisory capacity only. Such person may not participate directly in the hearing.
- The CGAC will determine the facts of the case and attempt to effect a fair and appropriate resolution to the complaint. Depending on the circumstances of the case, the CGAC may recommend to the associate dean of the college that (a) the original grade given by the faculty member is upheld or (b) that the grade in question is changed to a specific alternate grade. In cases where the faculty member is no longer affiliated with TAMU-CC, the dean may initiate the change of grade.
- The chair of the CGAC will present its findings and recommendations, in writing, to the associate dean (or dean if the associate dean is a party to the case) normally within five (5) business days after completion of its hearings and deliberations.
- The associate dean (or dean) will make a decision and send written notification of the decision to the student and the faculty member involved normally within five (5) business days after receiving the CGAC’s findings and recommendations. The decision of the associate dean (or dean) is final.
For complete details, including the responsibilities of the parties involved in the process, see University Procedure 13.02.99.C0.03, Student Grade Appeals, on the University Rules and Procedures web site.
Removing the Grade of Incomplete
The notation of “I” indicates that work in a course is satisfactory but incomplete (certain work is postponed by the student for substantial reason with the prior consent of the instructor). This work must be completed by the last class day of the next regular (fall or spring) semester unless the instructor designates an earlier date for completion. If the work is not completed by the appropriate date, the qualitative grade provided by the instructor on the incomplete notation application will be submitted to the Office of the University Registrar and will replace the “I.” An incomplete notation cannot remain on the student’s permanent record and must be replaced by a qualitative grade (A-F) at the conclusion of the next regular semester. If the grade of “I” has not been changed at the conclusion of the next regular semester, it will be changed to a final grade of “F” by the Office of the University Registrar.
Removing Grade of Incomplete-Military (IM)
The “IM” notation may be given to a student who is called to active military service and who consequently can no longer attend class. Such a notation may be assigned if the student is passing a course, but will not be able to complete a term paper, examination, or other required work for the course before the end of the semester or session because of the required active military service. Assignment of the “IM” notation requires the approval of the instructor. Normally the “IM” grade is not assigned unless the student has completed a substantial amount of course work. The remaining course work must be completed by the last day of the next regular semester (fall or spring) following the student’s return from active military service. The “IM” designation will remain on the student’s permanent record if the work is not completed by the appropriate date. For more information on options available to students who are called to active military service, see “Withdrawal of Students Called to Active Duty”, above.
Credit/No Credit Grading
Certain courses proposed by individual colleges and approved by the University Curriculum Committee may use the alternate grading system CR/NC when the standard system authorized for the University (A, B, C, D, F, I, IP, W) is not considered appropriate. CR/NC is a designation of the University given to certain courses, all of whose students receive one of these grades. In most cases, no more than 7 semester hours of CR/NC in a student’s major field of study may be applied toward a master’s degree. However, graduate students in the College of Liberal Arts may take 3 semester hours graded CR/NC in addition to a maximum of 6 thesis credit hours of CR/NC, which may be applied to a master’s degree. No more than 9 semester hours of CR/NC in a student’s major field of study may be applied toward a doctoral degree.
The hours graded CR (credit), given in those instances where standard letter grades are not used, will not be applied in computing grade point averages. Credit/no credit grading differs from pass/no pass, a grading option for undergraduates. Since fall 2002, pass/no pass grading has not been used in graduate courses. Consequently, courses graded as pass/no pass will not be allowed to transfer to a graduate program at this University.
Directed Independent Study (DIS)
Each graduate program offers courses in directed independent study. These courses appear with a 5X96 or 6X96 number (“X” ranges from 1-6 semester credit hours) in the course offerings of each discipline and may carry variable credit depending upon the course design. The number of credit hours must be approved by the instructor, the Department Chairperson/Director, and the Dean in advance of registration. Courses that do not appear-on the degree plan require College of Graduate Studies approval.
Final Examinations
University Rules and Procedures (13.99.99.C0.01) require final examinations to be scheduled during the regularly scheduled examination time listed in the official university final examination schedule. This requirement does not apply to fully online courses. If final presentations or final critiques assigned in lieu of final examinations require multiple days to complete, the final day for the presentations/critiques must occur on the regularly scheduled examination day for all but fully online classes. If papers or take-home examinations are assigned in lieu of a final examination, the due date must be at the regularly scheduled examination time listed in the official university final examination schedule.
Students are not required to take more than two final examinations in any single day. Any student with three or more final examinations scheduled on the same day may request to take one of the examinations on another day during the final examination period. The process is described below.
- The student should first try to resolve the matter with the appropriate faculty member(s).
- If the matter remains unresolved, the student should submit a request for an alternative final exam time in writing to the Office of Academic Affairs. This request must be submitted by the drop date as stated in the semester class schedule.
- The Office of Academic Affairs will select which of the examinations should be taken at an alternative time and formally contact the faculty member at least 15 working days before the final examination period. Preference for selection of which course would have an alternative final exam time will be based on the course with the smaller class size and then, courses with final exam times in between other exams.
- The faculty member will then arrange an alternative time for the student to take the final examination for the selected course. The examination may not conflict with the student’s final examination schedule or require the student to take more than two (2) final examinations in a single day. If students have difficulties in rescheduling the examination, they should consult with the Office of Academic Affairs. Final exams given outside the regularly scheduled time may vary in content and format at the discretion of the faculty member.
Please see University Rules and Procedures 13.99.C01.01 for additional information.
Application for Graduation
Students who plan to participate in a graduation exercise and/or receive a diploma and degree conferral must submit an online application for graduation by the deadline indicated in the Academic Calendar and pay the associated fee. Students are strongly advised to consult their academic advisor prior to submitting an application for graduation. The application for graduation and associated fees is not transferable to a subsequent semester. If a student does not graduate, the application will be canceled and a new application and fee must be submitted. Students participating in the graduation exercise will also be required to obtain an appropriate cap and gown.
Academic Integrity
Texas A&M University-Corpus Christi students are expected to conduct themselves in accordance with the highest standards of academic honesty. Academic misconduct for which a student is subject to penalty includes all forms of cheating, which include but are not limited to illicit possession of examinations or examination materials, falsification, forgery, plagiarism or collusion in any of these behaviors.
Responsibility of the Student: It is the responsibility of the student to become educated regarding University Rules, Regulations and Policies regarding academic misconduct. This includes, but is not limited to, seeking clarification from each faculty member regarding acceptable behaviors and guidelines for completing individual assignments. A failure to become educated with the University Rules, Regulations and Policies or the instructor's individual guidelines will not excuse the student from accountability for violations of such policies.
Responsibility of the Faculty Member: The faculty member should maintain a policy regarding academic misconduct within their syllabus and provide clear expectations regarding behaviors that will and will not be permitted regarding the completion of in and out of class assignments. The faculty member shall address all matters of suspected academic misconduct with the student in question and may choose to document and refer the matter to Student Conduct & Community Standards. The burden of proof shall lie on the faculty member when presenting cases of academic misconduct to Student Conduct & Community Standards.
Disciplinary action for academic misconduct is first the responsibility of the faculty member assigned to the course. The faculty member is charged with assessing the gravity of any case of academic misconduct and with giving appropriate sanction to any student involved. The faculty member must file an Academic Misconduct Incident Form.
Sanctions that may be recommended by the faculty member for individual cases of academic misconduct include one or more of the following:
- Written reprimand (an official letter of reprimand will be issued by the Student Conduct & Community Standards);
- Requirement to re-do work in question;
- Requirement to submit additional work;
- Lowering of grade on work in question;
- Assigning grade of “F” to work in question;
- Assigning grade of “F” for course;
- Recommendation for more severe punishment, such as suspension, dismissal from program, or expulsion from the University.
If the faculty member recommends more severe sanction, such as dismissal from program or expulsion from the program or from the University, the matter will automatically be reviewed by Student Conduct & Community Standards and may be referred to an Academic Integrity Hearing Panel. Additionally, if the student has a history of academic misconduct, the matter will be reviewed by the Academic Integrity Hearing Panel.
The faculty member must file a record for each case of academic misconduct, including a description of the incident, the disciplinary action taken, the assignment, the instructions for the assignment, and evidence indicating misconduct, and a current syllabus for the course to the Student Conduct & Community Standards. The faculty member should also provide a copy to the chair of their department. The Student Conduct & Community Standards will maintain records of such cases for a period of five years after the student’s last enrollment date.
For additional information regarding this process students should refer to University Rules and Procedures 13.02.99.C0.04: Student Academic Misconduct Cases.
Academic Records
The Office of the University Registrar maintains all permanent academic records. Admission and matriculation information, including transcripts received from other schools, are also maintained by this office.
When a transcript or other document has been submitted to Texas A&M University-Corpus Christi, it becomes the property of the University and will not be yielded back to the student as an original.
Academic files and degree plans are maintained in the Office of the Registrar. The college deans are responsible for certifying that students receiving degrees have satisfied all college degree requirements. Degree plans for graduate students should be developed by the time students have completed half of the course work in the program. Some programs may require the degree plan to be completed at an earlier point in the program. Degree plan development will be documented on the student’s online Degree Planner by their academic advisor.
The University Registrar and the college deans/director have specific responsibilities in certifying that University minimum requirements have been satisfactorily completed. The Graduate Dean will complete the degree audit for graduate students and report the outcome to the University Registrar.
Challenge to an Academic Record
A student who wishes to challenge the accuracy of the academic record (official transcript) established at Texas A&M University-Corpus Christi and held in his or her behalf must notify the University Registrar in writing and explain in detail the nature of the error. The Office of the University Registrar will study the challenge and the contents of the student’s file and consult with the appropriate academic personnel. The University Registrar will reply to the student within 20 working days.
The student has one calendar year from the date that the datum becomes a fact of record to initiate a challenge. If a challenge is successful and affects the student’s GPA, honors status, or similar rubric, the historical record will be altered accordingly.
Application of this policy is not intended to abridge, supplant, or supersede other deadlines. The University reserves the right to correct or amend an academic record any time an error is identified. In each case, the student will receive written notice of the change.
Change of Name or Address
Changes of name must be filed in the Office of the University Registrar. Address and/or telephone number changes may be processed through the Office of the University Registrar or through the web using the Student Academic Information Link (SAIL).
Student Records Policy
The University accumulates data and keeps records to enable staff and faculty to plan educational opportunities to meet the needs of individual students, to better understand students, to counsel them more effectively, and to assist them in placement in graduate education or employment after graduation.
The University maintains student records in several locations, including the Office of the University Registrar, Office of Student Financial Assistance, Business Office, offices of academic deans and faculty, Office of Student Engagement and Success, College of Undergraduate Studies, Office of Public Affairs, Career Services, University Health Center, University Counseling Center, Disability Services, and Alumni Office. Provisions are made in these offices for students to review and challenge the accuracy of records when appropriate and upon request.
The University complies with the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act of 1974 (FERPA) and with the Texas Public Information Act. FERPA is a federal law intended to protect the privacy of education records, to establish the rights of students to inspect and review their education records and to provide guidelines for the correction of inaccurate or misleading information through informal or formal hearings. Information in student records may be provided to parents without the written consent of the student if the eligible student is a financial dependent of his or her parents as defined under Section 152 of the Internal Revenue Code of 1954. Such requests should be submitted to the Office of the University Registrar.
Students have the right to inspect and review their education records, except for the following:
- Financial records of the student’s parents.
- Confidential records and statements of recommendation which were placed in the education records prior to January 1975.
- Confidential records and statements of recommendation which were placed in the student’s education records on or after January 1, 1975, if the student has waived the right to review the letters or statements.
Education records, as defined by FERPA, do not include the following: a personal record of a University faculty or staff member that is in the sole possession of the individual who made it and that has never been revealed to any other person except the maker’s temporary substitute; certain employment records; student health records; student records of personal counseling (records protected under other laws and regulations); and records maintained by a University law enforcement unit that were created by that unit for the purpose of law enforcement. (However, the University may release to an alleged victim of a crime of violence the results of a University disciplinary proceeding concerning the alleged perpetrator of the crime.)
The University maintains two types of student education records: directory information and other student records. Directory information is considered public information and will be released by the University upon request, in accordance with existing law. This public information includes: name; home address; local address; local telephone number; date of birth; field of study; enrollment status (full-time, part-time, undergraduate, graduate, etc.); classification (fr., so., jr., sr.); dates of attendance; degrees, certificates, and other awards received (if any); the type of degree received; date of graduation; name of most recent previous institution attended; and similar information. A student who does not wish this public information to be released must complete the appropriate form and submit it to the Office of the University Registrar.
With the exception of directory information, the University will not permit the release of personally identifiable information in education records without the prior written consent of the student, except as follows:
- To appropriate University personnel who need access to educational records to perform their legitimate educational duties.
- To officials of other schools in which the student seeks to enroll, provided the student is notified of what is being released and is given a copy if desired.
- To federal, state, or local officials authorized by law.
- In connection with a student’s application for, or receipt of, financial aid.
- To organizations conducting educational studies, provided that these organizations do not release personally identifiable data.
- To accrediting organizations.
- To the parents who certify that a student is carried as a dependent for federal income tax purposes.
- To appropriate persons, in an emergency, if the knowledge of such information is necessary to protect the health or safety of the student or other persons.
- To individuals requiring such information by means of a judicial order or a lawfully issued subpoena, provided a reasonable effort is made to notify the student in advance of compliance.
The University does not maintain records of membership in organizations or of political, racial, or religious affiliations.
The acquisition and dissemination of information for records is based on a respect and concern for the privacy and protection of the individual student. However, the obligation of confidentiality may lapse when the common welfare of the community or the welfare of the individual demands revelation such as in the case of suicidal preoccupations, expressed homicidal thoughts or actions, commission of a felony, or similar circumstances. Evaluation and interpretation of a student’s records shall be done only by a professional and qualified staff person.
Certificate Guidelines
For a certificate to be displayed on Texas A&M University Corpus Christi transcript, a certificate must be at least 15 credits, or a U.S. Department of Education (DOE) approved certificate.
If not, DOE approved or 15 credits, the college/school of the department may print their own certificate of completion and notify the student of the department’s recognition of completion. If a student later wants a copy of that certificate given by college/school of the department, they will not be provided one by the University Registrar. For those not DOE approved or 15 credits, the University will not state completion on the transcript or print the certificate.
Office of the University Registrar does not require students to apply for graduation when they are to be awarded a certificate only. Following the deadline given by the University Registrar each semester, each academic unit dean/director is responsible for notifying the University Registrar; certifying the student has met all the specific academic unit and programmatic requirements for the approved certificate.
Policies Subject to Change
Although every effort has been made to provide complete and accurate information in this catalog, changes may occur at any time, without notice, in academic policies and regulations.